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Emma's P.O.V.

8:37 P.M.

"That was a quick game." I announced to everyone as I walked into the clubhouse. "Wait why is everyone wearing pajamas?" I asked looking around.

"That's because tonight is a movie night!" Maddon cried out jumping into view wearing a green onesie.

"Let's quickly get you changed so you can surprise Kris." Riz and Addy came into view causing me to giggle before running next to them.

"Why are you wearing a poop symbol?" I whispered to Riz as he hid me behind a pillar.

"Because it's a new fashion trend. Now stand still, and Addison please help me." He sternly told both of us. I lifted my right foot up then my left putting it into the green pajamas. "Right arm next." I raised my arm to put it in. "Nope that's your left." Giggling I place my other arm in the sleeve.

"Has anyone seen Emma, I swear I hear her giggling?" KB's voice shouted out.

"Hurry!" Addy began waving his arms and jumping around. Riz started rushing and finally got the onesie zipped up.

"All done!" He whispered to me pulling the hood up. "Wait, I forgot your purple mask." He gently tied the mask behind my head then put my hood up again.

Why do I look like a turtle?

"Kris I need to sit on the couch. Someone has a surprise for you." Riz called out, and watched him walk over and sit down. "Alright time to shine cutie." He whispered before giving me a quick nudge.

"Surprise!" I giggled out jumping into view. Immediately he stood up and laughed. "Hey we're matching!" I cried running up and into his arms.

"I'm Raphael and you are Donatello." He whispered in my ear as he gave me a quick squeeze. "How does watching Finding Nemo sound?"

"Never seen it." I responded letting his jaw drop in shock. Shaking his head, he carries me back over to his cubby as he grabbed everything he needed for the night. Boarding the bus, I sat and played I spy with Addy until we arrived at the hotel.

"To the movie room!" Joe called out leading everyone off the bus. "Just get settled, food will be catered later." He shouted as we entered the movie room.

"Hey sit over here!" Dex called out motioning towards the center of the room where there was a huge stack of stuffed animals and blankets.

"One sec guys." KB told them before leading me into the hallway. "Emma I need you to know this. Tomorrow we play an earlier game then we are heading back home." I nodded not sure where this was heading. "On Wednesday so in four days, there is going to be a dispute over-"

"Hey movie is starting come back in." Javvy told us before walking back into the room.

"Um I'll just tell you tomorrow I guess." He told me furrowing his brow and letting out a sigh. "Now let's go watch." He put on a smile and led me back into the room.

Running ahead I buried myself in all the blankets and got comfortable. Sitting on my right was Riz and on my left was KB.

It would be hilarious to pretend to be asleep.

Closing my eyes, I shifted around until I was comfortable and tried to even out my breaths. "I think she's asleep man." Riz whispered leaning in close to my face. "So have you told her about Mike?" My body froze for a second before I continued to breathe.

What about Mike?

"I'm telling her tomorrow, let's go get food I'm starving." KB whispered to him and they stood up and left. I didn't hear them return as I fell asleep.

Guess I'll find out in the morning.


"Psst Emma." I felt someone poke my side. Groaning I flip over onto my side and take a deep breath. "Emma bear wake up sleepy head."

"Five more minutes please." I murmured and placed my head on the pillow.

Where's KB?

Opening my eyes I squint and roll over so I'm laying on my back. "Oh good morning KB."

"Good morning Emma. It's time for us to go." He grabbed me from the bed and carried me out of the room leaving Jake sleeping.

"Where are we going?" I asked while he helped me put on some new clothes. Bopping me on the nose he shakes his head. "That's not fair." I protested but giggled as he picked me up. He carried me all the way to a car.

"This is a rental car, I'm not stealing it silly." He quickly told me as he buckled me in. "It'll only be a few minutes so we can just listen to some music."

Oh gosh, he's a terrible singer.

"Come on, come on, turn the radio on. It's Friday night and I won't be long. Gotta do my hair, I put my makeup on. It's Friday night and I won't be long." He started signing along to the music whilst driving.

"Are we almost there yet?" I shouted over the music. Looking back at me for a second he nodded. Taking a quick right he pulled to a stop.

"Let's go munchkin." He cried out unbuckling me. Placing me on the ground, he grabbed my hand and began jogging away from the car.

"Woah." I breathed out as we came into view of the ocean. "It's beautiful" I took my shoes off and put my feet in the sand.

"Cmon let's go to the water." He squeezed my hand as we began walking. "Oh boy that's cold." KB shouted jumping back a step. Giggling I stepped into the water but instantly jumped back giggling.

It is cold.

"So Emma I need to talk to you about a few things." He said plopping down in the sand, I mimicked his actions turning towards him.

"What's up?" I asked putting my feet on top of his.

"Mike has called some people and is going to fight me for your custody. I had filed for adoption rights or something but wasn't able to complete the forms because he filed a kidnapping charge against me. Maddon was able to get those charged exonerated." He told me placing me in his lap wrapping his arms around me.

"Does that mean I have to go back with Mike?" I whispered letting my eyes fill with tears.

I don't want to leave KB, he's my family not Mike.

"No I won't allow it. Remember what I promised." He looked down at me, letting me nod. "I will not let anyone take you from me. Tonight we will be traveling back to Chicago, and then tomorrow morning we have to meet with some lawyers. We will then be in court on Wednesday. Is that okay?" He looked down at me.

I looked down at the sand not wanting to have KB see me. Closing my eyes, I let a few tears trickle down my cheeks. "Hey it's okay, I've gotcha." He whispered picking me up and placing me in his chest letting my head peer over his shoulder.

"I just don't want to go back with him." I cried out between sobs. Standing up, he began carrying me back to the car.

"I won't let them." He whispered, and I closed my eyes trying to believe him.

Please let me stay with KB.

Happy Monday.... not it's the worst day of the week but its an update! Haha thanks for reading again! Hope you like it

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