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Kris's P.O.V.

11:42 A.M.

"Mr. Yorke these questions are for you. Mr. Bohr you may begin." Judge Johnson looked at him and nodded.

"Earlier this morning you said that you went straight to the police after supposedly running out after her. Are you positive that you went there?" Mr. Bohr stood up and began pacing the room.

"Yes I am one hundred-" Mike began but was cut off.

"I'm not done talking, I have my own multiple sources who say that you didn't even show up at the police station, or even file a missing persons report until two days after. Now do you want to revise your answer?" Emma squirmed in my lap so I put her on the ground, never removing my eyes from Mike's.

"As I was saying earlier, I am one hundred percent positive that I went straight to the police station. I believe Mr. Meyers needs to ask me a question, so will you please sit down." Mr. Meyers stood up and took the position that Graham had just been at.

"Mr. Yorke, what is your occupation?"

"Well, I've been struggling with holding a job for around three years now ever since my wife died that is. But now a few days ago, I got a call from Microsoft offering me a job." Receiving a small round of applause, Mike looked at me and smirked.

How I would love to just wrap my hands around his throat.

"Have you decided if you are going to take the offer?" Mr. Meyers asked the question even though the answer seemed obvious to everyone.

"Well here's the downside. The job would relocate me to Seattle. Seattle Washington. Right now I only have enough money for Emma and myself to take a one way trip out there."

If he gets custody of her, I might never see her again.

"It seems like you're beginning to figure out you're life?" Mr. Meyers yet again gave him a question to make him sound good.

"I think I am actually. The only thing I'm missing is my daughter Emma, but once I have her back everything will fall into place." He gave the audience a smile.

"I would like to ask some questions about some abuse that you inflicted on Emma when she was living with you." Graham stood up and nodded to me.

"Hey Emma, do you wanna hear this next part or can I do earmuffs to you?" I scooped her off the floor and back into my lap.

"Earmuffs." She whispered quietly. Nodding my head I gently place my hands over her ears and then refocus my attention back to Mike.

"There is no proof of that absurd accusation." He yelled out, making a few people jump.

"I hope you realize that when you are done talking here, Emma is up next and will be answering some of these same questions. But she will tell the truth. So I'm going to ask you again, why did you hit her?" Mr. Bohr kept pressing him on this issue.

He's going to break soon.

"Did you smile when she learned not to cry and just take it. Do you fantasize what you could do to her? I heard that you made her take her clothes off once and told Emma to keep her eyes closed, were you laughing when she complied? Knowing you had all the power in the world and nobody could stop you. But then she stopped making you happy. You began to drink more, becoming a dependent alcoholic-"

"Stop." Mike whispered closing his eyes and shaking his head.

"So then you went out every night and came back with a new woman. You could sexually abuse them because you couldn't with Emma. So you resorted back to hitting her. You didn't even notice she was missing till the next morning when you walked down the stairs shunning the prostitute out the door. Isn't that correct?" He stopped pacing and looked him dead in the eye.

"I uh- well." Mike began fumbling over his words to try to create an excuse. Whispers broke out and people began to realize what He had been accused of was true.

"Mr. Yorke thank you, you may know take a seat. Emma you are up next." Judge Johnson boomed out signaling for Emma to come up.

"Hey you ready? Almost time to go home soon." I tell her smiling as I take my hands off her ears.

"It better be. I'm hungry and tired. And I really want to have another movie night." She grumbled but jumped down to the floor and walked over to the stand.

"All questions for Emma begin now." Johnson slammed the mallet down nodding to each lawyer.

"What is your favorite thing to do when you are living with your father?" Mr. Meyers gave Mike a small nod as he asked.

"My favorite thing I did when I lived with Mike was leaving." She frowned at him as I just snorted laughing.

My sassiness might be rubbing off on her.

"Why are you claiming that your dad hit you and abused you?" Mr. Bohr asked standing up.

"Why would I lie about that? I was scared most of the time when I lived there but now I'm not." She shifted her lower body around so she was sitting on her legs.

"And why is that?" Mr. Meyers asked, hoping for an answer that will praise Mike.

"Because I live with KB now." She giggled before continuing, "excuse me Judge Johnson but how much longer because I'm getting a little hungry?" Emma turned her head up to look at him, everyone laughing at his taken aback reaction.

"Almost done, now I think you have a few more questions." He pointed back towards Mr. Bohr.

"One last question. Where do you want to live if you had the choice?"

"I would live with KB, because then I get to travel around with his team and my best friends." She responded making me smile.

"Thank you Emma, you may go back to your seat." He waited for Emma to run over to me before nodding towards the grand jury. "What is your decision?"

"The grand jury has decided that Emma should live in full custody of Mr. Bryant." A lady stood up and announced. I wrapped my arms around Emma and waited for the Johnson to come up with his decision.

"Mr. Bryant you now have full custody of Emma, court dismissed." He slammed the mallet down and walked out of the room.

"WE DID IT KB!" Emma screamed as I jumped up from my chair.

Yes we did!

"Congrats Kris!" Rizzo hollered out I nodded and him and walked over. "God I'm so proud of you pal." He launched his arms around Emma and myself.

"Thanks man, or should I say neighbor!" I laughed out as more and more of my teammates piled onto the giant hug.

"Let's go celebrate with lunch!" Maddon called out, as my team reluctantly let go of me and walked towards the door.

"Hey you wanna go get lunch princess?" I asked Emma even though I knew the answer.

"Anything with you dad!" she giggled wrapping her arms around my neck making me smile as I walked to the door.

I can definitely get used to hearing that.

Happy thanksgiving guys! HE FINALLY GOT CUSTODY!!!! I'm thankful for all you guys! Hope you like this update. Thanks for reading let me know what ya think :)))

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