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Emma's P.O.V.

2:04 A.M.

I snapped my eyes open as a wave of nausea hit me. Gagging in my mouth I untangled myself as best I could from KB and ran to the bathroom. Fumbling around in the bathroom trying to find the toilet, I threw up all over myself and the floor.

I don't feel very good.

I sat down and began to cry as I threw up again. "Emma? Emma bear where are you?" A hushed voice called out.

"In he-here." I hiccuped still crying. In the bedroom I heard someone fumbling around. KB entered the bathroom and turned on the light.

"Oh Emma sweetheart." He whispered before shutting the door silently to make sure would stay asleep. "Do you not feel good?" He murmured as he kneeled down next to me.

Shaking my head no, "I'm sorry I made a mess I just don't feel good at all. I'm really tired and cold." I said through my sobs.

Why am I sweating if I'm cold?

Putting his hand on my forehead, "Emma bear I think you have a fever. You're burning up. How about we give you a nice cool bath, grab some new clothes and then try to eat some chicken noodle soup or something. My mom always did that for me when I was sick." He told me as he started the bath. Clicking the button he had the water fill the tub.

"KB I'm scared." I whispered to him as he helped me take off my T shirt and shorts that he had put on over my swim suit.

"You don't have to be scared silly. It's just the flu probably. You will be back up and running before you even know it." He tells me as he gives me a quick kiss on the forehead. "Now let's just leave your bathing suit on while you sit in the tub." Helping me into the tub he gently eases me down into a sitting position.

This feels so good.

"Hey no more tears okay. I don't want my princess to be sad anymore." He grabbed a tissue and wiped the tears from my cheeks. "I'll be right back okay, I'm gonna grab you some new clothes and then order some soup from room service." He gently informed me as he stood up. Giving him a thumbs up he left the bathroom.

Ah so tired now.

My eyes began to droop even though I tried keeping them open. Placing my head on the corner of the tub above the water I felt myself falling asleep.

"Guess what Emma?" KB cried out running to me and lifting me to his hip. "It's official Mike is in jail and you can live with me forever!"

"Really KB?" I shrieked as I hugged him.

"Of course it is Emma! I told you that you WE would be together. Nobody could ever separate us. Well actually except for Rizzo, he's dangerously in love with the both of us." He whispered in my ear making me giggle.

"I love you KB, I really do." I cheered to him.

"Emma, Emma. Emma please wake up baby girl." KB's voice sounded muffled as he shook me.

"I am awake?" I tried yelling at him but my voice came out silent.

"Emma!" KB's voice rang out making me open my eyes and look into his. "Oh my gosh Emma, you weren't waking up. I've been trying for around five minutes now, you scared me so bad!" His voice quivering at the end, as he lifted me out of the tub and began to dry me off.

KB had just finished putting on my new shorts and shirt when Jake ran in. "Hey is she awake, I just found my phone if you need to call anyone for help!" His loud voice diminishing when he noticed KB wrap his arms around me and pull him close to me. "Hey it's okay man, I'm gonna go grab the food it just arrived." He motioned towards the main door before he left us alone.

"Please don't scare me like that ever again, even if you can't help it okay Emma bear. KB isn't strong enough to handle that." He pulled me away so I could look in his tear filled eyes.

Is he going to cry because of me?

"Hey no tears anymore. I don't want a sad king!" I told him as I kissed his cheek copying his words from earlier.

"Hey I haven't shed any tears, they were just in my eyes." He informed me as he picked us both up from the floor and carried me out to the table in the tv room. "How about you eat some noodles then we can get you back to bed.

Can't I just go to bed now?

"And yes you need to eat before you sleep. Just a teensy bit will make me happy." He told me as if he read my mind.

"Fine." I grumble and begin to eat. After I finish half the bowl I feel a wave of exhaustion hit me. "Uhmph." I murmur out reaching out for KB.

"Alright I think you need some rest, let's get you back to bed." He told me placing me in his arms and bringing me back to bed.

"Good night Emma." Jake said as he turned out all the lights and followed us back into the bedroom and got in his own bed.

"Goodnight Jakey poo." I yawned and closed my eyes. "Good night da-." I slowly breathed as I fell asleep in his arms unable to finish my sentence.

Hehe. Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think :)

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