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Emma's P.O.V.

11:07 A.M.

"Where's my favorite kid ever?" Riz cried out grabbing me from KB's arms and tickling me.

"Sto-op!" I managed to cry between giggles.

"Only when you say the magic password." He continued tickling me.

"Riz is the best person on the planet!" I blurted out saying the first thing that popped into my mind. He gave me a huge grin and nodded, ceasing his tickles. "So what happens now?" I asked KB who was standing a few feet away watching us.

"I think now each person will go up and answer questions and such. But I don't know for sure." He trailed off at then end. "I think it's time to head back inside, the grand jury people are going back." He pointed out plucking me from Riz's arms.

"See ya man, bye Emma!" He waved as we walked into the court room. I waved back to him and then began waving to other members of KB's team as he carried me by them. I finally stopped when we sat back down at the table.

"Order, order." Judge Johnson slammed the wooden hammer onto his desk silencing the room. "To begin the next process, Mr. Bryant you are called back to the stand."

"I'll be right back." He gave me a quick hug before placing me on my chair. Walking up to the stand he kept his head turned away from Mike and towards the Johnson.

"All questions for Mr. Bryant will now commence." He nodded to Mr. Bohr and Mr. Meyer, Mike's attorney.

"Where you ever going to notify the authorities that you had found a little girl in your car?" Mr. Meyer stood up as he asked this question.

"Yes, I was. I went to talk to my coach the day after and he said he would go contact them for me. I had intentions of doing it, but Maddon said he could do it so I could focus more attention on Emma." KB confidently answered never wavering his voice.

"Why was Emma missing from Wrigley for a half hour?" Mike looked over at me and smirked, frowning I turned back to face KB.

"Emma had been sitting in the stands with one of the team assistants during the game. Afterwards they tried making their way back to the clubhouse, when a crowd of people separated them. Unknown to my team or myself, Emma had found her way back and crawled into a locker cubby falling asleep. She was hidden from view as she placed a sweatshirt over her body and part of her face. I was out looking for her along with most of the team. I got a call that they had found her in, so I took off running to the clubhouse. Then we were reunited, that's all that happened." I furrowed my brows remembering how terrifying it was not knowing where to go.

"I have a question your honor." Mr. Bohr stood up and waited until the judge nodded. "Mr. Bryant what happened down in Florida?" He prompted as he sat down.

"In Florida, I woke up in the middle of the night to hear Emma in the bathroom crying. Now it's around two in the morning I think, and my teammate is in the other bed sleeping. I fumble my way into the bathroom and find Emma getting sick. She had a fever and was cold, so I started a warm bath and placed her in it. I then went and ordered soup from room service. I was gone for less than a minute, and when I returned Emma had fallen asleep with her head on the outside of the tub. I spent around five to ten minutes trying to wake her up. Once she did, I had her eat some soup before falling back asleep." KB finished his answering with a nod.

"So you left a three year old in the bathtub alone while you decided to go order room service. That's child endangerment." Mr. Meyer's yelled as he exploded up from his seat and pointed his finger at KB.

"Objection!" Mr. Bohr yelled jumping up from his own seat.

"Sustained. What happened the next morning Mr. Bryant?" Judge Johnson gave a look to both lawyers as they sat down.

"I had Richard, the team doctor take a look at her during breakfast. They were gone for nearly five minutes when I was alerted that something had happened. Rushing over, I met Richard halfway and discovered Emma was unconscious. An ambulance arrived a few minutes later and I went with Anthony Rizzo to the hospital. We had to wait in the lobby for a few hours until her doctor came out and told us the diagnosis of type two diabetes. A few hours after that we were able to go play our game against the Marlins." He smiled at me, before looking around the room.

"What will be the first thing you do if you gain full custody of Emma?" I turned to look at Mike, and saw his fists were clenched tightly together.

"The first thing I would do is legally change her last name to Bryant." KB looked directly at the grand jury after saying this.

Emma Bryant, I like the sound of that.

"And then after that, I would moves us out of my apartment. I already bought a house across the street from my best friend, so Emma would have a nice safe neighborhood to grow up in." Mike dropped his jaw in shock. My eyes widened and I turned around to look at how Riz was reacting. He turned to his right and looked at his mom, who just gave a small smile and nodded.

"I have one more question for Mr. Bryant. Do you know what happened at the Marlins' game with Emma?" Mr. Meyers stood up smiling.

This isn't going to end well.

"I don't know what you mean sir?" KB asked confused.

"What I mean is Jeff, the man you had stay with Emma, left her all alone in the stadium. According to multiple sources Emma and Jeff got into an argument and she stopped listening to him. To gain her attention back, he raised his hand and she flinched. Emma closed her eyes and waited to be hit. Now tell me Mr. Bryant, do you abuse Emma? Do you hit her when she gets upset or cries? Do you smile when you-"

"Enough, I have never laid a hand on Emma. I would never ever hit her. Nobody in this world deserves to be hit, nobody deserves to go through those few seconds of fear. Do you want to know what Emma says when she had her nightmares. What she would scream out in the middle of the night, when she couldn't wake up. When she was trapped in her mind, she would scream out "KB help, Mike's trying to hurt me". Do you know how heartbreaking it is to see a three year old, especially Emma who I would go to the end of the world to make happy, scream and cry over an adult figure trying to hurt her. I wake her up and just hold her in my arms, calming her down because of the damage that you, Mike have caused her. That's why I need custody of Emma, so she doesn't have to live in fear that she might do something wrong and pay the price for it. Never accuse me of hurting Emma again, because I love her with all my heart and I can't stand to see her not smiling or giggling at something. Are we done here? Because I am done answering these preposterous questions." KB stood up and looked at the Judge, who nodded to him. He strode over to me and picked me up.

"Sassy KB is the best." I giggled and gave him a hug. He just chuckled and sat down.

"Now up to the stand Mr. Yorke." Johnson boomed out, making me sigh and bury my head into KB's chest.

Why can't this be over already?

Sassy Kris might be the highlight of my day! Thanks for reading, my Thanksgiving break begins today so I'll be able to do some double updates some days. I love reading your comments, they mean a lot and also because I laugh pretty hard at some of them! Let me know what you think :)

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