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Emma's P.O.V.

7:01 A.M.

"Good morning sleepy head." KB whispers as I open my eyes. Putting his phone down on the nightstand, he rewraps his arms around me and rolls over so he's on his side.

"What time did we get home?" I asked burrowing my head under the covers savoring the warmth of his body heat.

"Around ten thirty, you fell asleep right after dinner actually." He chuckled pulling the cover off my head. "Addison was on the couch and eating and you just crawled over to him and fell asleep in his lap. I don't think I've ever seen him speechless before. Want to see the picture?" He reached over and grabbed his phone before I could answer.

"Can I do the finger sensor thing?" I asked grabbing his phone out of his hands. I placed my thumb over the home button and it unlocked. "Camera roll?" I looked at him for clarification.

"Not this time, it's actually in my messages. Go to Rizzo and it should be right there." He reached over and clicked the picture enlarging it.

"Oh my gosh, he used my back as a holder for his food?" I giggled trying to look angry.

"Of course he did, you weren't going to move so why not." He flung his legs off the bed and stood up. "It's only seven and everyone will be at the stadium at nine, so I think we have time."

Time for what?

"C'mon it's time to go. Frank will have breakfast ready at seven thirty." He picked me up and put me on the ground. "You can choose what you want to wear, I'm just going to brush my teeth." He called out walking into the bathroom.

I grinned rushing over to my suitcase that we still haven't unpacked and sifted through all the clothes. "It's a little chilly this morning." He informed me still from inside the bathroom. I pulled on a shirt and then put on a pair of black sweats.

"Do you like my shirt?" I giggled and spun around for him.

"Yes I do, and I'm pretty sure Maddon will to. He loves saying "try not to suck". Ready to go?" I nodded and grabbed his hand. We walked side by side all the way to the car. "Oh I have a surprise for you." KB exclaimed quickly scooping me up into his arms and away from the car handle. "Rizzo's parents bought it and were going to show you last night, but since you fell asleep I said I would show you in the morning."

What it be?

"Your very own Chicago Cubs car seat. Now we can avoid getting in trouble with the police." He joked placing me in it. It took him a few seconds to figure out how to buckle me in and made sure it was secure before hopping into the front seat. "Ready to go?" I gave him a thumbs up before turning my head to look out the window.


"Here is your breakfast Kris." Frank handed him a plastic container, before handing me my own. "And for Miss. Emma, one cinnamon bagel."

"Thanks Frank!" I quickly tore off the lid and began eating it.

So good.

"Alright time to go find Maddon, he should be in the locker room." KB announced before walking towards it.

"There you two are. I was beginning to think you got lost somewhere." His loud voice called out from the couch.

"Hi Joe!" I ran over to him and sat next to him. "Why am I here so early?" I asked looking around trying to locate KB.

"Because you need a dress for tomorrow and Maddon told me that he would have it covered as long as we got here early today." KB popped up behind me, making me jump. "Whoops sorry for scaring you." He chuckled leaning forward and giving me a kiss on my nose.

"And that is exactly true. Anthony please come out." Joe stood up and clapped twice. I looked at KB confused and he just shrugged back at me. "I said Anthony please come out." He clapped twice more before Riz came out holding a bunch of dresses.

"I cannot believe I got talked into this." He mumbled walking over to us. "For you Miss. Emma, you have one hour to decide which one you would like to wear for tomorrow." He announced bowing his head down.

"Fashion show!" Addison squealed walking into the clubhouse running over to us. I looked at KB and he gave me a nod.

"Here I will go with you and help you change. Then you can come out here and model each dress." Joe grabbed the dresses from Riz and walked behind a wall. "White one first." He helped me quickly change.

"Dress number one." I giggled walking out into KB's view. All three of them were now sitting on the couch. They each held up a piece of paper with a number on it. "seven, six, and eight." I nodded my head before walking back to Joe.

"I think we can do better than that." He whispered to me, helping me into a pink dress.

"Dress number two." I walked back out and struck a pose. "eight, eight, six." I giggled before running back behind the wall.

"Getting better I think. I think this is going to be the winner." He whispered as he helped me put on a light blue and white striped dress. "I actually had bought this down in Florida and was planning on having you wear it then but you got sick, so I think now is a more appropriate time."

"How much longer?" KB whined making Joe chuckle.

"Introducing Emma in dress number three, which happens to be my personal favorite." He grabbed my hand and walked me into their view.

"Wow EB, you look adorable." KB whispered before holding up a twelve. I looked at Addy and Riz who both held up a ten.

"I think we have a winner!" I giggled before running towards KB. He quickly stood up and grabbed me placing me on his hip.

"I think you look really cute Emma." He whispered making me giggle and hide my face in his shirt.

"I have something to announce." Addy stood up looking scared.

"Bro what's wrong?" Riz looked up from his phone concerned.

"Um today I know we have a game and everything but after what happened last night I just wanted to say, may the odds be ever in your favor." He screamed the last part.

What the?

All of the sudden Jake popped up from behind the couch and slammed a pie straight into Riz's face. "Oh god it's already beginning." He whispered before quickly running behind the wall and snatching my clothes. "We need to get you changed so that we can destroy our enemies." He said in a deep voice making me giggle.

We will show no mercy.

Early update because I will update again later today! Thanks for reading, let me know what ya think :)

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