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Kris's P.O.V.

10:51 A.M.

"First stop North Michigan Avenue." I called out pulling into a parking spot. Stepping out of the car, I pulled on a Cubs hat and sunglasses. I opened the backseat door and helped Emma out. "Ready big girl?" I asked her, even though I knew her answer.

"Of course I am KB!" She cried out smiling, and jumping up and down. "Why are both of you guys wearing sunglasses and hats?" She asked confused, while she scrunched up her nose.

"Well Emma I want this day to be all about you, I love Cubs fans but right now it's just you and me." I tell her smiling and putting her on my hip.

"Um excuse me, I'm here too." Rizzo put his hand over his heart feigning hurt. Emma and I laugh at him, while I lock my car. "Now let's go to Under Armour, I need some new shirts, then we can grab some warm weathered clothes for the munchkin." He tells me as we both fall into step as we walk towards the store.

"Sounds like a plan. You good with that Emma?" I turned my head towards Emma, waiting for her response. Her blonde hair bobs up and down as she nods. Rizzo holds the door open for me, and I walk in followed by him.

"I want that shirt!" Emma suddenly cries out, startling me. Looking to where she was pointing, I laugh.

"You want a Kris Bryant shirt don't you?" I tease and her and she giggles in response. "Hm how about this one also?" I ask her as I hold up an Anthony Rizzo t-shirt.

"Oh my gosh! Yes yes yes!" She cries out, attracting the attention of the people who were shopping around us.

She's too cute, to even scold her a little bit.

"Alright let's get you a kids small in these shirts." I mutter to Emma, setting her on her feet. "Ah here we go. Lets go try these on." I say while grabbing her hand and leading her towards the changing rooms.

"Hold up Kris hold up, I've got these shorts, shirts, bathing suits and such for Emma to try, so we don't have to go to many more stores." Rizzo called out while running up to us carrying a stack of clothes.

"Thanks Riz!" Emma told him while quickly wrapping her free arm around his left leg giving him a hug. I grabbed the stack of clothes giving Rizzo a small smile, and led Emma into a dressing room.


"And your total sir will be eight hundred twenty seven dollars and seventy nine cents." The cashier tells me while holding out his hand for my credit card.

Wow. This has been one expensive shopping day. But well worth it.

Looking down at Emma who was smiling and making goofy faces at Rizzo, I reach into my pocket and pull out my wallet. I pass by my credit card and grab my Under Armour gift card, Rizzo got for me last Christmas.

"Here you go man." I tell the cashier handing the card over. While my transaction is being processed I grab the five shopping bags and place them in my right hand.

"You have one hundred seventy two dollars and twenty one cents left on your gift card. Thank you for shopping here please have a nice day." The cashier droned on, while handing me my mile long receipt.

This will definitely go down in history as my longest and most expensive shopping trip, while accompanied by another guy.

"Ready Emma bear?" I ask while grabbing her hand, and leading her towards the exit. Quietly she looks down but slowly nods.


Glancing at Rizzo, he gives me a shrug indicating he's just as confused as I am with Emma's response. Guiding her towards the car, I pop open the trunk and push all the bags in. Closing it I gently open the backseat door and help Emma in. Securing her seatbelt in place, I glance at her worried, but she averts my gaze and looks out the opposite window.

Something is definitely wrong.

"I love you Emma bear." I whisper before planting a quick kiss on the top of my head before I shut her door and hop into the drivers seat. Turning my car on, I see that we were in the store for over six hours. "Jeez time flies when you are having fun, ain't that right Emma?" I ask looking in my rear view mirror.

Why is she crying.

Looking at Rizzo he looks worried and I press the accelerator a little more, trying to get to the apartment faster. "Dude slow down, you're gonna get pulled over." Rizzo tapped my leg, and I eased off the gas, when I noticed I was going over twenty miles per hour over the speed limit. We reached the parking lot in less than five minutes, and I'm out of the car in a flash and unbuckling her seat belt.

"Emma what's wrong sweetheart?" I gently ask while holding out my hands to her. She slowly shakes her head, letting more tears fall.

My heart is shattering into pieces.

"Am I a burden to you?" Her quiet voice sniffs out. Without a hesitation I grab her in my arms, even though she struggles to escape I hold on to her and bounce her up and down a little. After a few seconds she stopped struggling and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'm sorry KB, I'm just tired and I don't want to ever leave you. You're my best friend and I don't want you to have to always be with me if you don't want me to." She confessed to me in a shallow voice.

I never want to leave you Emma either. Don't worry.

"Oh Emma. It's okay that you're tired, I feel the same way but don't ever think that I want to leave you because I never will. You are my best friend too and the best thing that's ever happened to me. I will promise you right here right now that I Kris Bryant will never leave you Emma, for as long I live you will be with me." I told her, while giving her a giant squeeze.

"I love you KB." She whispered and kissed my cheek.

Smiling down at her, I give her a quick peck on the forehead and give her another squeeze. "Now let's get inside, we have a long couple of days ahead of us." I tell her as I grab the bags from my trunk. Before closing the trunk, I look towards Rizzo who was still hiding in the car. Giving me a thumbs up, he motions for me to go ahead, mouthing "thank you." I close the trunk and walk into my apartment building.

"Are you ready to go to Florida Emma bear?" I ask her while clicking the elevator up button.

"I'm ready KB." She responded looking up at me and smiling.

That smiles worth a million bucks to me.

Hey my fabulous readers! This was such a fun chapter to write. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as me :) let me know.

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