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Kris's P.O.V.

7:57 A.M.

"What time is your game today?" Emma questioned while staring out the bus window.

"Twelve fifteen. So most likely it'll be over around five and then we can go hang out and do some fun stuff." I told her while leaning my chin on the top of her head.

"Are we almost there?" She piped up again. Chuckling I point out the window towards the stadium. "Wow I guess so." She giggles as she finishes her statement.

As soon as we park the bus, Emma and I are the first ones off. I set her down and place my backpack gently on her back. "Hey big girl you gotta carry this for me while I grab all our other stuff okay?" She nods vigorously and begins to run around taking in all the sites.

What a goofball.

"Woah what type of tree is that?" I hear her from the other side of the bus.

"Palm tree!" Rizzo, Ross, and I all shout back at the same time. Nodding our heads at each other we begin to sort through the luggage trying to help each other find bags.

"Here ya go man. I've got one baseball duffel and two suitcases with your name on it." Addison tells me as he hands me all three. Nodding thanks to him, I begin to follow the stream of guys heading into the stadium.

I need my hat it's way too sunny out right now.

Squinting I try to locate Emma, who had my hat in the backpack. I see her tiny figure running around Arrieta trying to catch his bag as he swings it from side to side. She tries jumping next but stumbles and lands on her hands and knees.

Oh crap.

I begin to speed up my pace in case she starts crying or needs me. "You okay Emma?" I call out to her concerned.

"I'm fine KB, don't worry about me." She cried before picking herself up and running ahead to find more people to play with.

"Did you see that?" Arrieta asks me as I fall into step with him. Looking at him confused, he explains "she cut up her knees and didn't even cry or anything. What's up with that?"

Here goes nothing.

"Um you see before Emma started staying with me, her dad who she calls Mike hit her, like pretty bad. That's why there's a faint bruise going away on her cheek. I guess she learned not to show pain or something. She will cry when she gets tired or thinks I'm gonna take her back." I nervously told him, sweat dripping down from the back of my head down my neck.

It's way too hot in Florida. It's April for crying out loud.

"Wow man, kudos to you for giving her a safe place to live and such. So when are you gonna give her to social services?" He asks opening the door to the visiting clubhouse.

What the actual heck?

"Actually I'm going to court to try to gain full custody of her." I tell him looking at the ground, for some reason.

"Phew I was joking you would say that. I've never seen you this happy and relaxed. I gotta go change and begin warming up, see ya before the game." He called jogging over to his cubby.

I gave his back a small wave before I walked over to my own cubby and dropped off all three bags. Looking around my heart rate began to speed up as I couldn't find Emma.

"Hey has anyone seen Emma?" I called out to the guys who were getting changed. A shaking of heads ensued which only caused me to panic more. Grabbing my phone I walk back to the hallway and begin to look for her. "Emma bear where are you?" I shouted as I walked further down the hallway away from everyone.

"KB I'm over here!" Her voice cried out between giggles. I hustled down the hallway to see her talking to a someone in a Marlins jersey. "KB I made a new friend. His name is Fernando." She smiled up at me.

Too adorable to even correct.

"Hey Fernandez, how are you man?" I asked giving him a bro hug, and then stooped down to pick Emma up. "And I think I need to teach you not to scare me like that, I had no idea where you were EB." I gently scolded her.

"I'm good and nice to meet you Emma, I look forward to striking Kris out, see ya later man." He jokes with us as he turns and walks into his own clubhouse.

"Now let's go get back to our clubhouse so I can change and go practice." I whisper and begin to jog back to our locker room. Covering Emma's eyes I walk into the locker room. Noticing that everyone was fully clothed I remove my hand and set her down on a couch. Grabbing the remote I hand it to her letting her flip through the channels.

I rush into the bathroom changing into my uniform. Giving myself a once over in the bathroom I quickly place my hat on my head trying to cover my messy hair.

Gotta get that cut soon.

Rushing back out I grab my mitt and bat and run back over to the couch. Kissing Emma on the head I observe that she's turned on The Lion King. Kissing the top of her head I call out to her "I'll be on the field if you need me Emma!" I wait a second for a reply but realize she's way to engrossed in the movie.

I really hope she doesn't have to watch Scar kill Mufasa or there will be tears.

"Kris let's go!" Maddon yelled at me, making me sprint over to where the guys were stretching. I gave him an apologetic smile and started doing lunges.

Around half an hour later I was dripping sweat. "Holy crap man. There is now way I would be able to survive in Florida. For once I'll admit that I want to go back to windy Chicago." Rizzo panted out as we jogged back to the dugout to grab some water.

"Hey Kris, why are Dex and Emma crying in the clubhouse?" Baez asked me as he ran up from the clubhouse and over to where we were standing.

Oh god what did he do?

"Emma you okay?" I hollered out as I went down the stairs with Rizzo trailing behind me.

"Uhmph, I'm fine." Her voice cried out, but then the sobs racked her body making her cough.

Rushing over I pick her up and bounce her up and down. "The scary lion killed the nice one!" She screamed out, as she kept on crying.

Why did I not change the channel?

"Hey it's okay, how about we go up and get some fresh air, get your mind off the movie. The both of you." I told her and then looked at Dexter who had a few tears rolling down his face. Grabbing his arm I carried Emma and pulled Dexter up and into the dugout. "I think someone has a surprise for you Emma bear." I told her as I turned my body around and showed her the sight in front of us.

"Why are Riz and Addy wearing flower necklaces?" She giggled wriggling down from my arms. Setting her on the ground I watched her as she began to play with them already forgetting about the movie.

Thank goodness for Rizzo and Addison.

Seeing as Emma was in good hands I ran back down into the clubhouse and changed into a new uniform. Splashing water on my face, I walk back out and grab my bat doing some practice swings.

"Kris you're up for the cage." Nodding to our batting coach I head and began swinging taking all my anger out on each and every ball.

No way is Emma going to be taken from me and handed back to Mike.

I know I know. I had to add Jose Fernandez into the story, he was such a great guy and this takes place at the beginning of the season in April so he was still alive then. R.I.P. Bud. Thanks for reading :)

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