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Emma's P.O.V.

7:26 P.M.

"Alright bye Grandma and Grandpa!" I waved my hand as they backed their car out of the driveway and left. Grabbing KB's hand we walked back inside through the front door to grab our coats.

"You sure you want to go on a run with Rizzo and myself?" He looked down at me and I nodded. Running past him, I went upstairs to my room and grabbed my blanket and lion stuffed animal. Taking my time going down the steps, I tucked my scarf into my coat and then zipped it up as high as it could go.

"I'm ready now!" I gave him a thumbs up and we went into the garage and waited for Riz. After a few minutes, KB helped me into the running stroller and strapped me in.

"Well I guess the party is coming to him." He announced as he shut the garage door and jogged over to Riz's house pushing me along. Just as we got across the street Riz came running out the front door doing some quick stretches.

"I'm ready don't worry. I just had to find my thermal layer shirt because I don't want to be freezing." He knelt down and pointed to my stuffed animal, "is that who I think it is?"

"Yep! This is Riz, my ballerina dancing lion." I giggled as he gave me a high five. Pulling the blanket up to my chin, he stood up and nodded back at KB.

"How far are we going?" I heard Riz whine as we started moving forward picking up the pace. Giggling when I heard a light smacking sound, I leaned my head to the side and watched as I was pushed out of the neighborhood onto a main street's sidewalk. Closing my eyes, I took a quick nap before awakening to the sight of the neighborhood park.

"You didn't go that far." I craned my head backwards to look at KB. Laughing he stops and unbuckled me.

"Well that's because you were sleeping for our five mile run. We already finished and were just taking a quick cool down walk." He explained placing me on his shoulders and pushing the stroller towards our house.

"Yeah our five mile run. Yay omg I had so much fun. God I know exercising is good but at what cost." Riz panted as he fell into step next to us. Reaching over I patted his head before resting my head on KB's.

"So when are we flying out to Washington?" I asked watching my breath in the cold air.

"Well tonight, because it's a red eye. So we meet at the airport at nine and then we should land in D.C. around twelve thirty. Make it to the hotel by one, then sleep till ten. Should be fun." The sarcasm apparent in Riz's voice.

"I think we should take my car to the airport." Riz stated as we stopped in our driveway.

"No way, I think we should take my car." KB argued sticking out his arm.



Its like watching tennis, I'm turning my head back and forth.

"Rock paper scissors for it." I finally exclaimed tired of hearing their bickering. Nodding at me they got into position and played.

"HA!" Riz pumped his fist up in the air, before running back to his house. "See you guys in my driveway at eight thirty." He called at before slamming the front door.

"I think he's got some issues." KB chuckled and opened the garage, placing the stroller in the corner. Handing me my blanket and lion, we headed inside to the kitchen. "Hot chocolate for you." He announced setting me on the counter and walking over to his coffee maker.

"Do you realize that it's eight ten?" I pointed at my wrist pretending that I had a watch. His shocked face turned to mine before turning to the clock reading it.

"Oh crap." He yelled at sprinted up the steps leaving me on the counter. "Never repeat that!" I giggled at his muffled voice and watched the clock turn to eight eleven. After a few loud thuds and incoherent words, he came sliding into the kitchen holding his baseball bag, and both duffel.

"Ready?" I asked as he helped me down to the floor. Nodding at me, we both put on our shoes and put on our coats for the second time. Opening the garage door, I looked across to see Riz's opening as well.

"Here's firefighter Jake and SWAT dad." I reached up and grabbed my animals as we walked down the driveway.

"Thanks daddy." I giggled as he shoved all the stuff in the trunk of the car and hopped in the backseat next to me. Pulling me into his lap, he buckled us up.

"I'm going to be your booster seat okay?" Riz turned around in the front seat to protest but quickly turned back around after seeing KB's glare.

"Off to Washington!" Riz cried out and reversed out of the driveway and then drove onto the street.


"How much longer till we reach the airport?" I whined snuggling back into KB's chest.

"We are here silly." I looked up to see the hotel right next to the bus. Smiling sheepishly up at him, I stood up and was placed on Addison's hip.

"Shall we?" He began walking towards the exit.

"We shall." I giggled as he walked down three steps and jumped onto the sidewalk. After collecting himself from nearly face planting. He quickly looked me up and down to make sure I was okay despite telling him I was.

"Well that's one reason why you don't do stupid things." Addy froze at the sound of KB's voice. Giggling I reach over his shoulder and tap his nose.

"C'mon let's go to sleep. I'm tired." Numerous people around me agreed as we headed through the hotel doors.

"Here." I felt myself being lifted and was placed on KB's hip.

"I'm about to tell you a secret." His eyes widened and he leaned in closer. "I like you carrying me then Addy." I whispered causing him to throw his head back and laugh.

"Go check in!" Joe shouted causing us to walk up to the desk.

"Hi there, Kris Bryant." He smiled at the man as he was handed a key.

"Do you happen to have an Emma Bryant with you?" He questioned as KB turned to leave.

"Why do you ask?" His normal gentle voice was now cold.

"Because a package was dropped off for her earlier today. I was told to she was staying with the Cubs team." He explained the situation and pulled out a small brown box from underneath the desk.

"Uh thanks." I grabbed the box and then handed it to KB, who just looked mad.

"Hey since we are sharing a room with Addison, why don't you go with him now? I have to talk to Joe about tomorrow." He waved Addy over and plopped me in his arms without giving me time to answer.

"See you in a few." Addy called out as we walked down the hall until KB disappeared from my view.

"Did I do something wrong?" I whispered as we got into the room. Setting me down on the bed, Addy kneeled down in front of me.

"Goodness no, Kris just found out that he was batting fourth and not third and wanted to get it switched." He reassured me before tucking me into the bed.

"Goodnight Addy." I squeezed my animals closer to me and shut my eyes.

"Goodnight Emma." He planted a kiss on my head as I drifted off to sleep.

What was in that box?

Oh boy, I apologize but I had to end it like that. Thanks for reading :))

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