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Kris's P.O.V.

12:01 A.M.

"Emma, please wake up." I cried out turning my head to face Rizzo. Without saying a word, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walked with me as we watched Emma lay unconscious on the stretcher.

"Kristopher, Anthony and David!" All three of our heads shot up and looked towards the door, just in time for Madden shove his way past a cop.

"Sir you can't just enter a crime sce-!" The police officer started yelling but was cut off by another officer placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh my goodness, are you guys okay? Wait actually don't answer that now, you will have plenty of time at the hospital to explain what the heck happened during the last two hours." Maddon sighed as he reached his hand up to my face and gently moved it from side to side. "Oh boy, you are definitely going to be a sore sight during these next few days."

I let out a hoarse laugh and gave Maddon a slight nod. "Emma's going to be fine. The paramedics said that she hit her head on the ground when Mike dropped her after he shot himself. Besides the possibility of a concussion, and a broken left arm..." I trailed off as I turn back around to look at the officer's covering Mike's body in a thin sheet.

"As horrible as this is going to sound, I'm still going to say it. At least you and Emma are both safe and sound, and you won't have to worry about Mike anymore." Ross muttered as he brought my attention away from the body and towards the ambulance being loaded up.

"Ant, would you mind riding with me in the back?" I gave him a pleading look, as the paramedics motioned for us to get in the back.

"Of course. We will see you guys at the hospital?" He asked as he lead us to the back door. Looking back, I saw Ross and Maddon nod and give us a small smile.

"Shall we?" Rizzo smiled and climbed in after me, both of us letting out a sigh as we sat down on the bench.

"Excuse me, I'm assuming one of you is her father?" the EMT asked as he placed an IV into Emma's arm.

"I am." I replied nodding at him, before I looked over at a groaning Rizzo

"I think I'm going to pass out." He muttered, before his eyes rolled back and he slumped down, his head rolling onto my shoulder. My eyes widened as I looked back at the paramedic, who put Rizzo's face in his hands and lightly tapped his cheek.

"Oh, I just remembered he's deathly afraid of needles." I chuckled as he began to stir. Reaching across the stretcher and placed Emma's hand in mine. Rubbing circles across her tiny palm, I looked back at Rizzo who was breathing into a brown paper bag.

"Here we are sir. Would you mind getting out first and then we will follow you?" The paramedic nodded to the back door, just as the ambulance rolled to a stop in front of the E.R.

"Sure, c'mon Anthony." I grabbed his arm and pulled him out and watched as Emma was whisked away taken to get her arm fixed. Letting go of Anthony arm, I took a few shaky steps forward and entered the hospital. Watching all the doctors run around, caused my vision to swim and I could feel arms supporting me as my knees buckled.

"Take him to get a ct scan." Someone shouted as I was placed on a stretcher. Blinking my eyes, I tried to clear my vision but finally succumbed to darkness.


"Jeez, how long do sedatives work?" I heard as I woke up. Quickly shutting my eyes, I listened as Rizzo continued to pace around the room, while talking to Ross and Maddon.

"Can you calm down? It's been two hours since he's been awake." Maddon muttered, before sighing. "And please stop pacing, it's driving me nuts." He yelled out, causing the footsteps to cease.

"Thank god, I thought I was going insane." I whispered as I opened my eyes fully, causing the three of them to look at me.

"How are you feeling bud?" Ross asked as he came over to me and inspected my face. Feeling uncomfortable under his gaze I raised my eyebrow only to feel a sharp pain shoot through my head.

"Oh don't do that, your face has so many bruises. It's just going to hurt for a long time." Maddon shook his head.

"Where's Emma?" I choked out frantically, as the memories of the night before came crashing back at me.

"Right next to you actually." A doctor announced as he walked over and pushed a curtain away, allowing me to see Emma asleep in the bed next to mine. Her left arm was in a blue cast with red stripes on it.

"Really Cubs colors?" I gave Rizzo a pointed look, who put his hands up in a mock surrender. "Is she okay?" I looked back at the doctor as I tried to sit up, only to feel hands pushing me back down.

"She is fine, well you know what I mean. Both your ct scans came back negative, so the only thing that is wrong is she has a broken arm, and well you've got multiple facial contusions. And there is nothing we can do to for those, except tell you not to get hit in the face for the next few weeks as they heal." He informed me, and wrote a few things down on his clipboard.

"Since I am being forced to lie here, can someone bring Emma over to me?" I asked aloud, looking at the people in the room. Letting out a sigh, Rizzo walked over and carefully scooped Emma up and brought her back to my bed. "Thanks." I gave him a grateful smile, and positioned her little body next to me.

"Well since it is almost three in the morning, I say we get some shut eye and talk about last night in the morning." Maddon muttered taking a seat and leaning his head against the wall. "Oh I forgot to say this, but obviously the game tomorrow is cancelled and we will be making it up sometime."

Nodding my head, I positioned my head in a comfortable position and then placed Emma over my chest. "Good night EB, you have no idea how scared I was tonight. I actually thought that Mike had shot you, and I don't know what I would have done had that happened." I whispered as I planted a kiss on her forehead. "If you want ice cream tomorrow or anything, I will make sure that we go get it, and then make it back before anything bad happens." I whispered fighting the tears that were threatening to fall.

"I'm going to hold that to ya." Her raspy voice whispered back as she moved her head, so that her chin was on my chest and she was staring up at me.

"Hey munchkin, how ya feeling?" I gave her a smile as she giggled.

"I'm tired but other than that I feel good." She went to raise her arms, but looked confused as to why only one lifted. "What's this?"

"It's a cast for your arm, since yours is broken." I laughed and wrapped my arms around her petite back. "I have to say, Rizz picked out some good colors." I admitted planting a kiss on her nose.

"Dang right I did!" Rizzo muttered from the chair.

"Daddy I'm tired." She whispered placing her head back on my chest.

"Then let's go to sleep." I whispered as the lights flipped off in the room, plunging us into the dark.

"Will Mike hurt us?" Her voice barely audible, but still causing a sharp intake of breath from both Rizzo and myself who both heard her.

"Never again. And I promise that no one will hurt my family again." I promised her, but was only met with the sound of her tiny snores.

"Good night munchkin." I whispered as I closed my eyes.

"Aw good night to you too!" Rizzo murmured back, causing both of us to laugh before closing our eyes, trying to get a few hours of shut eye in the peace and quiet.

I know this chapter isn't really that good but, I needed a filler chapter before Emma's and why not have some Bryzzo moments. Who else agrees that since baseball is back, life is a lot better?! Haha thanks for being patient guys, I love you all :)

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