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Emma's P.O.V.

1:17 A.M.

"Well there's no way I'm touching a lamp now." I woke up to the sound of someone shuffling around in the dark. Sitting up I peered around on either side of me before deciding that it was KB awake.

Why is he up so early?

Quickly hopping off the bed I blindly searched my way towards the bathroom. "Are you okay dad?" I whispered as I reached the doorway.

"Uh I'm feeling a little sick but that's all. Go back to sleep sweetheart." I flipped on the dim bathroom light to see him arch his back and leaned over the toilet.

"Aw dad, I'm sorry." I whispered as he finished throwing up. Plopping his body on the ground in a sitting position, he leaned back and rested his head on the side of the tub.

"I'm just gonna sleep in here for the rest of the night." He whispered wiping the sweat from his forehead. Sighing I flipped the light off and walked over to him.

"Then I guess I'm going to sleep in here too." I snuggled up in his arms and closed my eyes. Shifting a little bit so my head was half on his chest half on my shoulder I fell asleep.


"What do you think I mean when I said they are both asleep in the bathroom. Just walk down the hallway and meet me." I kept my eyes closed and pretended I was asleep as Addison shut his phone.

"Now care to explain what's happening?" Riz asked as he walked into the bathroom.

"I just found them like this when I woke up. Is Kris even alive? He looks dead." I stifled a laugh as Riz smacked him.

"Of course he's alive genius. Now how about Emma?" Riz's hand reached out and gently stroked my cheek.

"I think Kris should take the day off. But knowing him he's just going to say he's fine." I heard Addison turn the faucet on and begin brushing his teeth.

"Well we have to get on the bus in five minutes, so I'll carry Emma if you wake up Kris." The water abruptly stopped.

"Heck no. You wake him up, he's your best friend!" Addison shouted causing KB to jerk awake.

"Woah man you good?" The weight on my shoulder was lifted as KB moved his arm.

"Uh yeah. What time is it?" He coughed trying to cover his hoarse voice.

"Ten fifteen, the bus is leaving in five minutes. So I'll take Emma while you clean yourself up. Oh Addison will help make sure you have everything for today!" Riz chirped as he gently lifted me up from KB's lap.

"You sure?" I peeked my eyes open and saw Addison move forward and help KB up. Quickly closing them shut, Riz lifted my arms and placed them over his shoulders.

"Alright we will meet you on the bus!" Riz called out as he left the room and walked down the hallway. "So I tell you what I want, what I really really want." He whispered gently lifting me up and down, while spinning around.

"Rizzo what the heck are you doing?" He froze with me in the lion king pose. Laughing he turned around and slowly lowered me back to his chest. Yawning slightly I shifted again before leaning my head on his shoulder.

"We are getting on the bus." He laughed placing his hand over my back securing me to him. Someone walked up next to him accompanying him to the bus. Climbing up the steps, Riz chose a seat right near the front and sat down. "Wakey!" I giggled as fingers began to tickle my stomach.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" I cried out snapping my eyes open. Looking up at Riz I saw Jake sitting down next to him. "Hi there Jakey." I sat up and waved to him, looking around for KB.

"Emma bear?" I heard his voice pipe up from behind me causing me to climb down onto the floor.

"Daddy!" I squealed when I saw him sitting in the seat. Looking up at him a gave him a small smile. "Are you feeling any better now?" I asked swaying on my feet as the bus began to move.

"What does she mean?" Joe asked walking over to me and staring at KB.

"Oh nothing she's just speaking gibberish." He tried laughing but ended up in a coughing fit.

"What? No I'm talking about last night when you got-" I was cut off by a hand covering my mouth. Laughing KB picked me up and hugged me.

"Oh look we're here!" I was picked up and taken off the bus just as we rolled to a stop. "Emma I'm sorry for covering your mouth when you were talking but I just need you to not say anything about me getting sick last night okay?" He bent down peering right into my eyes.

"Okay dad, just promise you'll be careful." I held up my pinky finger waiting for him to promise.

"I promise, only if you promise to be careful." I nodded and we locked pinkies. Smiling I ran over to the bottom storage compartment on the bus. Grabbing KB's I ran back over to him and began walking into the stadium.

"I need to go the bathroom!" I whined as soon as we stepped through the doorway. Grabbing my hand he walked us all the way into the clubhouse and pointed me towards the bathroom. Smiling I sprinted off and quickly went the bathroom. Finishing washing my hands I dried them on my sweatpants and turned right.

I feel like I should be back in the clubhouse right now.

Looking up, I continued walking down the hallway in the direction the arrow pointed me in. Smiling I found the clubhouse door and pushed it open. Walking in everyone froze turning their attention to me. "Oops sorry I must have the wrong room, I'm just gonna go." I quickly turned around and left the room.

Where am I?

Shrieking I began to kick and squirm around as someone grabbed ahold of me and pulled me to their chest. "Sh Emma, it's okay. You're going to be okay." A voice whispered in my ear that caused me to freeze.

That's not KB.


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