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Kris's P.O.V.

11:09 A.M.

"Hey can someone just check the restroom real fast and see if Emma's washing her hands?" I called out as I walked into the kitchen prepping her breakfast.

"Sure I'll do it." I heard Rizzo throw away his plate and walk out. Grabbing a plate I place two waffles for myself and a small bowl of Lucky Charms on the side for Emma.

"Hey are you sure Emma's in the bathroom? Because I was just in there and didn't see her at all." I slowly looked up to see John standing in front of me.

"What do you mean she wasn't in there?" I slammed the plate down slightly wincing when I heard it crack before running to the bathroom.

"Dude she isn't in here. I'll check the right side of the clubhouse you check the left." Rizzo pointed to his side before running up to each cubby and looking through them.

"Emma?" I shouted before looking through the other cubbies. Searching all the way until Rizzo and I met up in the middle I began to panic.

I have no idea where she is.

"Woah Kris breathe man. This isn't one of your panic attacks is it?" I felt myself being helped into a chair. "Joe! I need you in here or someone that can help me."

"I need to find Emma." I tried standing up but was forcefully pushed back down.

"No you need to breathe." Jake's face filled my vision. "In and out." He whispered raising his hand up and then down.

"Stay with us Kris." I blinked a few times trying to get rid of the haze infiltrating my vision.

"Guys I think I'm going to pass out." I muttered suddenly unable to feel anything.

"Hey no. Stay awake otherwise we need to go to the hospital remember." Rizzo snapped his fingers in front of my face, causing me to recoil back at the sudden loud sound.

"No just get Richard." I whined knowing I sounded like a baby but gradually closed my eyes until I slipped into unconsciousness.


"Well he's fine now don't worry. I gave him an IV to make sure he doesn't become dehydrated. But as for Emma well I have no idea." I felt myself lying down on some sort of couch.

Why can't I open my eyes?

"So how long will he be asleep?" I recognized Rizzo as he reached over and clapped my shoulder.

"Probably a few more hours. He had a panic attack but then wasn't properly breathing causing him to lose consciousness. Probably due to the shock he endured yesterday and all the stress he's been under about Mike has built up and he finally let it out." Richard opened my left eye and shined a light into it.

"Well okay I'm guessing he's out of the game for sure then. So what do we do about Emma?" Rizzo asked again squeezing my hand.

Wait they still haven't found Emma?

"Well we alerted everyone in the building and stadium that she's missing and sent out her picture. So far we haven't heard anything but it's only been fifteen minutes since we realized she was missing." I tried squeezing Rizzo's hand but only managed to move my pinky.

I promised Emma I would be save if she stayed safe. So now I broke that promise.

"Creepy Kris right here just brushed my hand with his finger. Anyways I'm going out to look a bit more I'll be back soon." The warmth of his hand left and I heard him walk away.

"Yeah I should probably go tell the team what's up with Kris. Is it safe if we both leave him in here? I mean like nobody's going to come in the trainers room right now." Maddon walked out of the room followed by Richard.

Well at least now I know where I am.


Snapping my eyes open I quickly sat up and took a few deep breaths. "Twelve forty one." I muttered looking at the clock. Swinging my legs around I hopped off the table and stood on my shaking legs. Walking forward I made it a few meet before a stinging in my arm made me look down.

Oh yeah, there's an IV in there.

Gritting my teeth I pulled it out as best I could and placed it on the table. Making my way out of the office I turned right and exited the visiting clubhouse. Outside in the hallway I held onto the wall for support and began walking around searching for Emma.

It's been almost two hours. If Rizzo couldn't find her why would you be able to?

Shaking my head I continued walking all the way until I reached the Nats clubhouse. Debating on whether or not I should knock, a voice behind me caused me to turn around.

"Kris?" I was looking straight ahead at Bryce Harper.

"Hey man what's up." I asked trying to sound casual as I could feel the blood rushing from my head.

"How come you are over here? Last I heard everyone was in your clubhouse since Emma was back with them?" I blinked twice trying to figure out if he was telling the truth or not.

"What do you mean Emma is back with them?" I reached my hand out and gripped his shoulder trying to support myself.

"I found her wandering in the hallways a little after eleven this morning. So I walked her back to your clubhouse entrance. I knocked for almost ten minutes before realizing maybe you guys were on the field. So then I walked her back to my clubhouse and onto the field. Once we realized you guys weren't there we walked around for a bit before heading back to your clubhouse. Your pal Anthony opened the door and attacked me almost before realizing it was me. I was just on my way back now." He explained while placing my arm over his shoulder and leading me back down the hallway.

"I really appreciate what you did. I honestly thought that she had been kidnapped so then I had a panic attack which turned into me not breathing and I blacked out." I explained pointing at myself as we reached the clubhouse doors.

"Kris where the heck have you been?" The door opened right as I raised my hand to knock. Rizzo's angry face slightly softened as he looked at my appearance. "Thanks again Bryce!" He gave him a small nod before helping me inside and onto the couch.

"Hey daddy!" Emma giggled and ran up to me causing me to smile.

"Hey princess." I whispered suddenly feeling drained. Helping her climb up onto my lap, I twisted my body so I was lying on my side and closed my eyes.

"Are you tired? Because I'm tired and a nap sounds really good." She wrapped her arms around my hands and fell asleep snuggled in my arms.

"Just go to sleep, you are in a ton of trouble though when you wake up." Maddon placed a blanket over my body just as I fell asleep.

HAHA! MIKE HASNT SHOWN UP YET. But he will.... thanks for reading :)!Sorry for no update yesterday, I was playing tennis for over 14 hours so I was super tired. Sorry :(

Flashing Lights ||kris bryant||Where stories live. Discover now