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Emma's P.O.V.

10:03 P.M.

"Are you sure that you're okay?" I looked up at KB as he started laughing randomly.

"I'm perfectly fine." He whispered before his head lulled back and snapped forward. Riz walked over to us shaking his head.

"C'mon Kris lets get you inside, we just won." Riz pointed to the field where everyone was giving high fives. "Emma you stay here, I'll be right back." He looped his arm around KB's and pulled his to his feet.

"Wow Rizzo you are the sweetest cupcake in a sea of cinnamon rolls." I looked at Riz who just shrugged back at me just as confused as to what KB had just said. Riz had made it two steps before they both fell to the ground not moving.

"Richard!" I shrieked jumping off the bench and running out onto the field.

I'm probably not supposed to be doing this.

"Emma what are you doing out here?" I was immediately scooped up into Joe's arms.

"Riz was taking KB into the locker room because he's acting a little funny because of the pain killers he was a given. But then they both collapsed onto the dugout floor." I began to cry, "so then I ran out here to try and find Richard."

"Okay, um lets just give you to Jake." He walked over to him and plopped me in his sweaty arms. "Don't let anyone come into the dugout until I say so okay?" He gave us a very serious look before running off as he called Richard into the dugout.

"Hey munchkin, what's going on in there?" He rubbed his hand up and down my back trying to calm me down.

"Riz and KB were going into the locker room and then they both fell and didn't start moving." I cried out catching the attention of a few other guys.

"Hey princess. It's going to be okay, don't worry." Addy reached out and placed me on his hip. Wrapping my arms around his neck I tried taking deep breaths.

"Mike used to come home acting all funny like KB just was. I don't want that, please make KB stop and not turn out like him." I pressed my hands over my ears and squeezed trying to ease my headache.

"Whoa Emma it's okay, it really is. Don't worry about Kris, he would never turn out like Mike." Jake reached over and tried to peel my hands off my ears but I just pressed tighter trying to block out all of their voices. Closing my eyes, I could hear a big commotion going on around me but I didn't want to look.

"Emma stop it's Rizzo." I opened my eyes and saw Riz standing in front of me holding out his arms.

"Riz, why is there a lump on your head?" I asked putting my hands down at my side.

"Hit the ground a little hard." He shrugged and motioned for Addy to give me to him.

"Is KB okay?" I whispered looking down at my hands as I was passed to him.

"Yeah, he's just asleep right now. He's going back to the hotel in a separate car, so he can rest." He walked into the dugout and then down the steps into the clubhouse. Placing me on the ground I maneuvered my way to the couch and sat down.

"Hey Emma can you go over to Kris's cubby and try to find your hat and gloves? I can't have you getting sick otherwise, we both would be in trouble." I looked up to see Joe pointing in the direction of the cubby.

"Fine." I muttered heaving my body off the couch and over to his chair. Reaching up I snagged my winter hat, and placed it on my head. Giving up on finding on my gloves after a few minutes I just placed my hands in my coat pockets.

"Ready to go?" Riz came up to me and held out my stuffed animal. Pulling my hand out I grabbed Moose and then grabbed his hand with my other one. We walked out side by side and got onto the bus, deciding to sit next to John and Jake.

"I'm tired." I whispered shifting my body so my I my head was on Riz's thigh and my body was wrapped tight in a ball.

"The hotel is only a few minutes away so don't fall asleep yet." He pulled out a book from his bag and I sat up ready to listen.

"What book is that?" Jake looked over and tried to read the cover.

"Where the Sidewalk Ends." I looked up at Riz to make sure and he nodded for confirmation.

"This one is called The Voice, There is a voice inside of you. That whispers all day long, "I feel that this is right for me, I know that this is wrong." No teacher, preacher, parent, friend, or wise man can decide what's right for you- just listen to the voice that speaks inside." He slapped the book shut and smiled.

"That book has got some deep stuff." Dex took a deep breath and blinked rapidly, making us all laugh.

He wasn't kidding when he said the hotel is close.

The bus rolled to a stop and I stood up following the guys off the bus. Walking into the hotel, Richard made his way over to us.

"Can I go see KB now?" I looked up at him pleading.

"Unfortunately not now, in the morning yes but right now he's sound asleep and I would like to keep him that way." He gave me a sad smile before bidding me a goodnight.

Well what now?

"Ready?" Jake and Riz called out, waving me over to them. Nodding I ran over to them and followed behind and went into their room. Giving me an extra toothbrush we all did our night routine and got ready to go to sleep.

"I don't have any pajamas." I muttered as I saw both Riz and Jake in flannel pants and shirts.

"Here ya go." I caught a pile of clothes before they hit me. Smiling I pulled on the pair of flannel shorts and a Riz shirt.

"You have a pair of my pajamas in your bag?" I asked climbing onto the bed and sitting in front of his laying body.

"Yep, never know when a certain princess is going to need a pair of pajamas. Or if Kris forgets to pack you some." Riz pulled me close to him and turned off the light.

"Goodnight guys." I whispered as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"What's that pounding sound?" I heard Jake cry out as a loud bang sounded throughout the room.

"Stay here Emma, we've got this." Riz unwrapped his hand from mine and walked over to the door along side Jake. Swinging the door open they both squinted at the sudden bright light from the hallway.

"Kris?" Jake exclaimed confused, as KB walked into the bedroom holding his head.

"Is Emma in here? I woke up and couldn't find her." He asked bending over slightly.

"Yeah she's in here, c'mon you're supposed to be asleep man." Riz led him over to me and he scooped me up in his arms.

"I know, I just missed her." He murmured before falling asleep holding me. Riz and Jake helped him into a comfortable position on the bed as his soft snores filled the bedroom.

"I call my bed alone." Jake suddenly dove onto his bed and pulled the covers up.

"Whatever, thanks goodness we go two kings though." Riz muttered walking over to the far side of the bed and clambering on.

"Goodnight again." I whispered closing my eyes for the second time after reaching my hand out.

"Goodnight Emma." Riz sighed and I slowly fell asleep clutching his hand and lying in KB's arms.

This chapter was kinda about Rizzo but don't worry I needed to write it in order for tomorrow's to make some sense. Haha thanks for reading :))

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