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Outside everything was quiet, the world covered in darkness with the moon poking from some clouds, stars glittering in the distance and the occasional house that still had their lights on.

Even if the streets were quiet, the locals knew that most people could be found further down the street, towards the edge of town. There you could still hear the soft thumping from the music that occasionally blasted through the night when a clubber opened the front door to take in some fresh air.

The club was well known, both amongst the unsuspecting humans and the supernatural that visited. Humans came there for a good night, enjoy the magic that clung to the air while the supernatural visited for a multitude of reasons.

There were the ever present array of vampires looking for a willing meal, demons that thrived on the overload of joy and happiness that poured off the clubbers and the occasional incubus and succubus that snuck off into the dark with a dazed and hormonal human.

Glowing eyes scanned the room from the corner where a group of men and women alike scanned the crowd, as the local werewolves hoped to find their mate this way. Sometimes a wolf would have an ecstatic expression on their face, their whole demeanor changing as they left their table to mingle with the crowd, easing in on their mate.

The two bouncers at the door were Berserkers and the aura they carried was enough a warning for any fool that even dared to think about starting a fight in the club. They both looked up at the sound of a boot scuffing over the ground before they relaxed at the sight of one of their usual.

"Jesse." The large man on the right huffed in acknowledgement, opening the rope to let the young man in. "Not going to cause any trouble tonight, are we?" The young male shook his head, the long brown strands dancing in the air as his eyes sparked with mischief and mirth.

"I'm working tonight Darrel. Plus, I blame last night on my pixie blood." Pixies were notorious troublemakers; mischievous yet harmless. But the boy couldn't blame everything on his blood, as he was only partially pixie. Many had tried and failed to guess what his heritage was, as Jesse had shown clear signs of being part Pixie, Fae and maybe a hint of Elf.

Jesse grinned up at the berserkers in a disarming way but the men had seen that smile countless of times before. The boy would always use it whenever he was in trouble and those not prepared would relent and forgive Jesse in a heartbeat. But not these men, oh no. They've been smiled at one too many times and had been cursed and chewed out by their boss at Jesse's expense too often to fall for the same trap.

Darrel flung his arm out before Jesse could enter, making the younger male pout slightly as he looked up.

"You were working last night as well when you started that fight between a werewolf and a vampire." Darrel mentioned dryly and Jesse had to bite his lip to keep his smile hidden. What Darrel said was true but then again that vampire was being an ass to three of the serving fairies behind the bar and he was pretty sure the wolf had groped him in passing.

It was just a case of righteous defense of his honor! It was easy to dump a drink down the vampire's neck and make himself disappear fast enough for the vampire to think the wolf behind him had done it.


The young man sighed and held up his hand mockingly as he stated in a bored tone, "I solemnly swear I'll behave tonight and not cause any fights or trick anyone." Darrel still looked suspicious but nodded and allowed Jesse to pass.

As Jesse entered the club, he grinned widely while looking over his shoulder at the two berserkers and relaxed his crossed fingers he had hidden behind his back. There were always people needing a lesson or two and Jesse was all too willing to give it to them.

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