Chapter 2

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*Eponines POV*

I woke to the sun shining down on my face. I knew that I wasn't in my own room almost immediately, as the walls were bright with no traces of dirt present, my bed was comfortable and soft with pretty sheets and plenty of pillows. I immediately panicked as the memories from the night before flooded my mind again.

I tried to sit up, in attempts to try to find out where I was, which probably wasn't the best idea.

A surge of pain shot through my body especially in my leg and I let out a gasp of agony.

The door burst open suddenly and Monsiour Enjolras came walking in. He was already dressed but his hair was slightly tousled. Clearly he had only just awoken.

"Madame, be careful. Are you alright?" He asked, as he helped me rest against the pillows again.

"I'm fine, thank you." I replied, trying to ignore the pain that was lingering in my body. "I'm sorry, but where am I?"

"Oh, of course. This is my house. The Cafe Musain is just down the road from here." He replied. "We all thought it would be best for you to stay here, at least until you recovered. Gavroche is staying here too and Marius said he will call in later on." My heart swelled, just as it always did when his name was mentioned.

"Thank you very much for everything, Monsiour, I'm very grateful." I said. Mama had taught me plenty of manners when I was young and I used them quite frequently. I decided to use them in this case as Enjolras was a bourgeois and I had only just met him.

"You're very welcome. I'll have my maid, Camille, bring you something for breakfast." He said, before turning around and leaving me alone again.

Camille came in eventually and set a tray of food in front of me. There was some cheese, and grapes, as well as a cup of tea.

"Thank you." I said, as I began to eat. I didn't eat a lot of food at home so I was unnaturally thin. I only ate a few grapes and didn't touch the cheese. I only sipped at the tea, which was much stronger than the warm water and old leaves I was used to drinking at home.

I had just set the tray aside when Gavroche came running into the room with Enjolras coming in after him.

"Eponine, you're finally awake. You've been asleep for ages." Gavroche said, coming over and giving me a hug. I winced a bit in pain but I hugged him back nevertheless. I was very close with Gavroche. I had Azelma, but she was always a bit of a Papa's girl. She was always getting presents and goodness knows what else from Papa. Mama was always my favourite of my two parents. She never agreed with any of Papa's stealing or his endless nights of being drunk or absent from the inn, meaning she would have to run it all by herself. He never really liked me or Gavroche but he had a soft spot for Azelma who always helped in his crazy schemes. Mama practically raised us all alone, which she frequently commented on.

"Hello Gavroche. How are you? Did you hear anything from Mama and Papa?" I asked him.

"Nope, I ain't heard nothing." He replied.

"Gavroche. We need to work on your vocabulary." I sighed.

"Madame, why didn't you eat any of your breakfast? You must be starved." Enjolras said, looking at my almost untouched tray of food.

"I ate a small bit, but I'm not very hungry." I replied.

"You and Gavroche didn't eat anything at all. Is there something wrong with the food? I can get you something else if you want." Enjolras offered. He looked very worried as he looked at Gavroche and I.

"There's nothing wrong with the food, it was lovely, but we don't eat a lot of food to begin with." I said honestly.

"Yeah there's days when we would go without anything at all." Gavroche added.

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