Chapter 4

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*Eponines POV*

I woke up again in the middle of the night, screaming. I didn't even notice Enjolras running in. He came to the side of my bed and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay. It was just another dream. Shhh." He said rocking me back and forth. I had been at Enjolras house for over a month and almost every night I woke up with a terrible nightmare. And every night Enjolras came in and soothed me back to sleep. They were becoming less frequent now, but they were still terrifying.

Gavroche came in a moment later, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry Gavroche. I didn't mean to wake you up. Come here. There's plenty of room for you on my bed." I said patting the bed next to me.

He wandered over and climbed onto the bed next to me without saying a word. His breathing became even as he fell asleep again.

"Are you okay Eponine? You've been having these terrible dreams lately. Do you want to talk to me about it?" Enjolras asked me. I looked up at him. I'm the darkness, he did look kind of handsome, although I would never admit that to anyone.

"Oh, yes I'm fine. I just keep on seeing Papa hurting people and myself. It seems so real, it's just horrible. I'm very sorry for always waking you up." I said.

"It's okay. I usually can't sleep much anyway. I get about three or four hours of sleep every night." He told me.

"How come?"

"I don't know. I never really got a lot of sleep even when I was young. My bed always seemed too empty and cold for sleep." He replied. I nodded as my eyes became heavy.

"You should get some Eponine." I heard Enjolras say. I nodded, resting my head against his chest, as sleep over came me.

*Enjolras POV*

Eponine had fallen asleep in my arms and I didn't want to move in case I woke her up. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. When she was awake, she looked terrified, as though the weight of the world was on her shoulders and should she move, the world would come crashing down. Gavroche was curled into her side with his hair covering half of his face.

I did eventually go to sleep but not for very long. I woke up just as the sun was rising, casting long shadows across the room.

I was thinking over everything that had happened in the past month. Eponine had become much better and was almost fully capable of walking by herself. Camille had left about a week ago, so Eponine had started cooking the meals and she did a bit of cleaning now and then. Eponine had offered to return to the Inn with Gavroche, but I said that they could stay for a while longer. I didn't want them to go out alone, where I might never see them again.


I looked down and saw Eponine wide awake and staring up at me.

"Good morning. Sleep well?" I asked politely.

"Well, I had didn't have another horrid dream." She said smiling.

"Well that's good."

"Do you know what time it is?" She asked me after a few minutes of silence.

"It's about eight O' clock."

"I'm going to start getting up.What would you like for breakfast?" She said, pushing herself up and shaking Gavroche lightly to wake him.

"Ponine?" He said groggily.

"Morning. Come on, time to get up. Go and get dressed and I'll make some breakfast." She said. He nodded and started shuffling towards he door.

"Are you sure you want to make breakfast this morning? I can do it if you like." I offered, as I climbed out of the bed and headed towards the door.

"Enjolras, you can barely cook. It's fine. I'll make breakfast. Now go and get dressed." She ordered. She was pulling the covers over the bed to neaten it up and was doing a very good job. But then, she used to live in an Inn so that was kind of expected.

"Enjolras? Are you okay? You've been watching me make the bed for about five minutes." Eponine said, snapping me out of my trance. I shook my head.

"Oh, sorry. I'll see you downstairs." I said, going into my own room.

I decided on what to wear and got dressed quickly, but I spent a while looking around my room. It was a bit of a mess, to be honest. There were papers and books everywhere and you could hardly see the bed. I quickly decided to do a bit of cleaning, which took a lot longer than I anticipated.

By the time I got downstairs to the kitchen, Eponine was practically finished cooking and Gavroche was getting out some cutlery.

"Sorry I took so long. Would you like help with anything?" I asked upon walking in.

"Oh yes. Can you help me bring everything to the dining room? I'm not as strong as I may look." Eponine joked, pointing to the plates of food on the table.

"Of course. You just go in and sit down. Joly would kill me if he knew you were putting strain on your leg."

"Joly needs to calm down. That all happened ages ago. I'm fine." She protested.

"Yes, but Joly is also the professional, and if he says you have to rest, then you listen to him until he says otherwise." I said, grabbing a plate.

"And Gavroche says that you two sound like a married couple. You're not married, are you?" I turned around and saw Gavroche standing at the doorway to the dining room.

"No, Gav. We're not married. At least, not last time I checked." Eponine said, walking over and ruffling his hair.

"Awww. But you two would be an amazing couple. Please get married. I promise I would never do anything bad again." He pleaded.

"Sorry. It doesn't work like that. First of all he, has to ask me to marry him." Eponine said.

"And then she actually has to say yes, which would never happen." I said, as I walked past them.

"Well at least I would have the courage to say anything. You would have trouble just finding a ring." She called, following me in.

"I'm pretty sure they're married." Gavroche mumbled. I could see Eponine shooting daggers at him over my shoulder.

"So, what should we do today." I asked. I had a meeting scheduled at Café Musain this evening but besides that, there was nothing really planned.

"Well I was wondering if we could go for a walk after breakfast. I haven't been outside for a while and some fresh air would be good for Gavroche." Eponine suggested. I thought about it for a moment. Joly wouldn't be very happy, but it would just be a short walk. And what Joly doesn't know won't hurt him.

"It suppose that would be okay. But we can't tell Joly. He'd kill us." I finally said.

"Perfect. I'll go and help Gavroche get ready and we'll meet you at the front door." Eponine said, standing up and going upstairs with Gavroche. I cleaned down the table and put the plates in the sink before grabbing my jacket.

Eponine and Gavroche were already standing by the door when I eventually reached them.

"Shall we go?" I asked, letting Eponine hold on to my arm for support, not that she needed it, I just liked the feeling of someone on my arm.

We walked outside and through the streets, with Gavroche running ahead of us. We reached the market place, where everyone was bustling around buying their goods.

I noticed all of the people at the side of the street, dressed in rags and begging for some money or looking on the floor for scraps of food. There was a man walking around with a girl latched on to his arm giving a bit of money to an old man with only one arm.

I was about to point them out to Eponine, but she was already looking at them, as if she couldn't believe her eyes. And then she put her hand to her mouth and started to walk towards them,  slowly. I heard her muttered one word.


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