Chapter 15

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A/N- The dress is the one Eponine wears to the ball.


*Enjolras POV*

"Eponine! Are you ready to go? The carriage is here." I called up the stairs.

"Almost."She called back.

Cosette had arrived a few hours ago to come and help Eponine get ready for the ball. Gavroche and I were waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs.

"Gavroche, stop pulling at your collar." I said to the boy, who was pulling at his shirt.

"But it's too tight and itchy. I don't like it." He whined.

"Well you don't have a choice. We have to wear these clothes or else Jolys parents will throw us out of the ballroom." I said.

"Why are they so fancy?"

"Because they're aristocrats. They have and image to uphold." I explained.

"How do you know?"

"My mother told me a few years ago." I replied.

"Enjolras, we're going to be late." I heard Eponine say behind us. I turned to face her and gasped.

Eponine was wearing a long, blue dress, decorated with black lace on the sleeves and bodice. Her hair was done up in a fancy bun with a light blue ribbon. She looked absolutely stunning.

"You look beautiful." I said, making her blush. "I thought you weren't able to find a dress."

"Cosette brought it this morning. She saw it as she walked up here and bought it straight away." Eponine explained.

"Come on. We'll be late." Gavroche whined.

"We're coming, we're coming." Eponine laughed walking towards the door.

Joly didn't live very far away, so I took hold of Eponines arm and we walked to the house with Gavroche walking ahead of us, leading the way.

Jolys parents lived in a very big house near the Bastille. They were proud supporters of the King and even had a large portrait of him in the ballroom.

"Who's that?" Eponine asked when we entered the room.

"That's the king." I said. She was looking at the huge portrait of the king in front of us.

"If only they knew that their own son is trying to overthrow him." She mused.

"Look, there's Joly." I said, spotting my friend who was standing with Marius.

"Enjolras, Eponine, glad you could make it." He said as we approached them.

"Hello Joly. How are you?" I asked.

"Horrible. I hate this house and its inhabitants. I try to avoid it at all costs." Joly said.

"So, who's on the guest list this evening?" Marius asked.

"Courfeyrac might turn up, Musichetta and her parents are here, a lot of politicians and people like that, I think there are a few guards around the place, including Javert." He said. Eponine groaned.

"Eponine has been trying to avoid him for the last few weeks." I explained.

"Well, good luck avoiding him tonight, he's heading this way now." Joly said. He was right. Javert was making his way around the dance floor towards us.

"On hat note, Enjolras, would I be able to dance with Eponine?" Marius asked, looking up at me for permission.

"Go ahead. I'll distract him." I said. Marius took Eponines hand and led her towards the dance floor.

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