Chapter 21

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*Eponines POV*

"Eponine, you have to eat something." Joly said, pushing a plate of food towards me.

"No thank you. I'm not very hungry." I replied.

"Come on. Starving yourself isn't going to help." Joly said.

"I'm not starving myself. I'm just not hungry." I said.

It had been a few days since I had arrived home and Joly and Musichetta  had stayed over to make sure Gavroche and I got better. They had also been thrown out of his parents house when they found out he was involved in the revolution. Mama had been cremated two days ago and her ashes were in a beautifully decorated, mahogany box, which was resting on a table in the conservatory.

"Please,just eat something that's not tea." Joly said.

"I'm sorry Joly. I can't." I said, picking up a tea cup.

"I'm going to go and change Gavroches bandages." He said, walking off. I stared at the dark, wooden table and sighed.

I had heard nothing about Enjolras, Marius or anyone else from the barricade. Cosette had dropped off a letter for me a few days ago. I took it out again and read through it:

Dearest Eponine,

My father and I were incredibly sad when we found out about your poor mothers death. I had no idea about the revolution and when I heard that you and Enjolras were involved, I was terrified for you both.

I know how much she meant to you and how close you were. She was such a beautiful, kind woman and she loved caring for your garden. She always took such good care of you and Gavroche and I know she loved you both dearly.

Your dearest and faithful friend,


Her letter was short but beautifully written. I know that she was also hoping to find Marius as Joly had informed her about him being on the missing list.

"Eponine? Are you okay?" Musichetta walked into the room and sat down across from me.

"Yes. I'm fine. How was your walk?" I asked.

"I walked past the Cafe Musain." She said. "There were women all over the street cleaning up the mess."

"And the bodies?" I asked.

"They were all lying down in an old side street." She replied. "Enjolras and Marius were nowhere to be found."

"What will happen to them? The bodies of the others?" I asked.

"They're going to be cremated in three days outside the Bastille." She said.

"What? As in they're just going to be burned? Those men had families and friends." I said, completely shocked.

"That's what I thought. All of them, except Feuilly, had parents and sibling's who may want to see their sons once more before they are put to rest." She sighed.

We sat in silence, sipping away at our tea when Joly came into the room.

"I have to go out for a moment. A young bay just dropped off a letter. It's just a quick house visit. I'll be back in about an hour I should hope." He said, quickly pecking Musichetta on the lips and picking up his large bag.

"Alright. Hurry back." She said. "I was scared that he wouldn't get anymore work because of being involved in the revolution."

"I hope that's not the case. He's a very good doctor and he loves his job. He takes care of everyone so well." I said.

"I know. That's why I married him." She said, twisting her rings around her finger. Joly and Musichetta had been married for two years and she was now two months pregnant with their first child.

"So where do you think he's going?" I asked.

"I don't know. Usually if he's in a rush, it's a birth or a death." Musichetta shrugged.

Soon, Gavroche came limping into the room, using the wall as support.

"Where did Joly go?" He asked.

"We don't know. He just left suddenly for no reason. He didn't say why." I sighed.

"Do you know, by any chance?" Musichetta asked.

"No. Some kid knocked on the door and gave him a letter and he just ran off suddenly." Gavroche replied.

"How odd." I said. I poured him a small cup of tea and then went back to staring at my own tea while Gavroche and Musichetta talked quietly amongst themselves.

About an hour later, Joly suddenly ran into the room.

"Eponine, quick come outside!" He said, just as Cosette ran into the room.

"What's going on? I was just asked to come here with Papa." She said.

"I have to show you something." Joly said.

"What?" I asked suspiciously.

"Trust me, you'll love it." He smiled, waving us over to the door. We all stood up and followed him out to the front garden. There was a carriage waiting outside the gate.

"A carriage? That's what you wanted to show us?" Musichetta said.

"No, it's the contents of the carriage." Joly smiled. Suddenly, the door opened up and a dark haired man stepped out slowly.

"Marius?" Cosette whispered, walking slowly down the path. I looked again and saw the face of my dearest friend. He smiled at us all and wrapped his good arm around Cosette, who was crying tears of joy.

Joly suddenly pulled me towards the side of the house to where there was a small pond.

"What's going on?" I asked again.

"You'll see." He said, before walking back into the house.

I walked slowly over to the pond to where a large weeping willow stood. I pushed aside a few leaves and saw a man standing with his back to me, gazing out at the scenery in front of him. At the sound of my approaching footsteps he turned around. I gasped.

"Hello, my love. Remember me?" He said. I couldn't believe it.

"But you were dead. Joly said so. How are you alive?" I said, tears falling down my cheeks.

"Please don't cry Eponine." Enjolras said. He took my hand and sat down on the grass with me.

"What happened to you?" I asked. He had a sling on his left arm and his other hand held a walking stick, similar to the one Marius had.

"Got a few unfortunate injuries on the battle field." He replied.

"But how are you alive?" I asked again.

"Well, it must have been about six in the morning when they attacked us again. They brought cannons and soon there was only about ten of us left. We ran upstairs into the café and waited. It was horrible, Eponine. The floor was suddenly blown through from below and everyone was killed except me." He paused for a moment.

"Yes?" I said quietly.

"The National Guard came running upstairs. I was trapped and alone, the only escape was as an old window behind me. I was standing there thinking, 'this is the end for me. My life is over', when Grantaire came in and stood next to me." He continue. "I held up a large, red flag and accepted my fate, but just as the soldiers pulled the trigger on their guns, Grantaire stood in front of me and pushed me out of the window. I was knocked unconscious and woke up four days ago in Marius' house.

"I broke my arm badly when I fell out the window and unfortunately, unlike Marius, I'll be stuck with this cane for ever."

"Why?" I asked.

"I was shot twice in the leg and once in my chest. The wounds will never heal properly." He said.

"Well, at least you're alive." I said, kissing him lightly on the lips.

"At least I'm alive." He said. "And I'll never lose you again."

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