Chapter 13

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*Enjolras POV*

"So how did it go?" Eponine asked me.

"Well, we were inside of the household before you left with Thenardier. We had gathered the ammunition when you ran towards an alley. Once you were gone, we walked down to Marius' house with the ammunition. So everything went according to plan really." I replied.

"That's good. But how did you know we were outside?" She asked.

"We could see you out the window." I said.

"Of course you did." She laughed.

"Ponine, I'm all done." Gavroche said running over.

"Good. Now you can go for a bath when we get home." She told him.

"No, I don't want a bath." He whined.

"Well, I doubt mama would let you off with hair like that." She said, picking up a strand of dirty hair.

"What if we didn't tell her?" Gavroche asked.

"She does have eyes, Gavroche. I'm pretty sure she'd notice." Eponine laughed.

"Perhaps we should go home. Madame Thenardier will be worried."I said.

"Enjolras you traitor! Now I have to have a bath!" Gavroche cried, causing half of the boys to stare at us.

"Sorry, but it's late and we haven't had supper yet." I said.

"Five more minutes?" He begged.

"You'll have to ask your sister." I replied.

"Please Ponine?" He said, turning to his sister.

"I don't know. Perhaps if it's okay with Enjolras, you can stay here with him and I'll go back to the house." She replied.

"That's fine. I have a few more things to do here first." I nodded.

"But be careful. The Patron- Minette could be after you, especially after the stunt we pulled today." Gavroche warned.

"What happened?" I asked.

"It's nothing, I'll tell you when you get home." She said, as if it was no big deal.

"If you want, I can walk her home." Joly offered.

"Oh you don't have to do that Joly. I'm fully capable of walking." Eponine insisted.

"No, it's fine. I'm walking that way anyway. I must go home to Musichetta." He replied.

"All right then. I'll see you in a minute." Eponine said, giving me a kiss on the cheek before walking away with Joly.

"Feuilly, how much ammunition did you count?" I asked.

"Good news, we have enough for at least forty men." He replied, earning a cheer from Les Amis.

"Very good. Remember, all ammunition now goes to Marius' house. And try to avoid Thenardier." I reminded them.

"And we're not talking about Eponine, before you ask Grantaire!" Someone called. Everyone laughed.

This is one of the things I loved the most. Sitting in the Cafe surrounded by my closest friends.

Another thing I love is being at home with Eponine, Gavroche and Madame Thenardier. Ever since they came, the house has felt more like a home, whereas before, it was a cold and empty shell.

"Enjolras." I was snapped suddenly out of my thoughts as Feuilly waved a hand in my face.

"Yes? Sorry, I was just thinking." I said.

"Everyone has gone home and Gavroche left half an hour ago." The fan maker said.

"Thank you, Feuilly. What time is it?" I asked, putting my coat on and walking out of the door.

"It's about half eight." He replied, placing a hat on his head.

"I'd better run then. I'll see you soon Feuilly, and thanks again." I said.

"No problem, Enjolras. Take care now." He said, walking away.

I started wandering back home again, thinking things over yet again.

I was desperate to get home to Eponine since I had been out for longer than expected. Not to mention I left Gavroche to go home by himself.

She's going to kill me. I thought as I stood outside the door. I took a deep breath before opening it up.

I was just hanging up my coat when Eponine came down the stairs and walked over to me.

"What happened to five minutes?" She asked, shaking her head at me.

"I'm sorry. I completely lost track of time. If it wasn't for Feuilly, I'd still be sitting in the Cafe, staring at the wall." I explained.

"You're so weird Enjolras." She laughed.

"I know." I replied, walking down to the drawing room with her and sitting next to her on the couch.

"So, how was Joly?" I asked.

"He's great. He gave us this invitation to his parents summer ball." She replied, taking out an open envelope.

"Oh, of course. His parents throw one every year. Joly hates them but he has to go." I said. I always went anyway but only to be polite.

"And you have to go, he said it's mandatory. Apparently he's going to try and find Marius a fair Mademoiselle." She laughed.

"Oh yes, we've been talking about that for a while. Of course, Marius doesn't know about our plans but if he did, he wouldn't let us go through with it." I said.

"Poor Marius."

"I'm sure he'll be fine."

"You know, Cosette is single." She said.

"Really Eponine? You want to set him up with Cosette?" I laughed.

"Are you saying she isn't good enough for him?" Eponine asked.

"No, but I don't think we'd be able to get them in the same place for enough time." I said, quickly.

"I still think it's a good idea."

"Apparently, your last good idea ended up with your father's gang mad at you. What did you do?" I asked, reminding her of the promise she made to tell me what happened.

"Well, Gavroche and I decided to get Papa's idiot of a new wife into an alley a good bit away from the house. We then had to lead Papa and Azelma to her and they were gone. A perfect distraction if you ask me." Eponine said.

"Are you crazy? He could have hurt you!" I said.

"I'm fine. He slapped my face and that was it." She said.

"He still hurt you though." I said.

Eponine sighed and turned to face me. She gave me a soft kiss and then just stared at me, her soft, brown eyes silently laughing at me.

"Enjolras, I'm fine. You need to stop worrying about me all of the time." She said.


"Listen to me. I have had a lot worse  in my life. I have been called names and I have been beaten several times. I watched my only friend be led away by her father who actually seemed kind and caring. A slap on the face is nothing compared to that." She smiled.

"I know and I'm sorry. But I like worrying about you. It gives me something to do." I said.

"Why, because planning a revolution isn't enough?" She laughed.


"You're crazy, Enjolras."

"I know."

A/N - The picture is Azelma by the way:)


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