Chapter 18

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*Eponines POV*

I've never been truly scared in my life. I have encountered plenty of scary things, like when we moved house to Paris, or when my father beat me for the first time, but I was never truly scared because I knew that the danger would eventually pass.

I suppose that growing up in an increasingly dodgy building full of drunks and thieves must have toughened me up a bit. If something scared the other children, it usually didn't scare me because I had probably encountered worse.

However, as we ran through the streets of Paris, laden down with guns and swords, I became more terrified by the second.

I was pulling Enjolras along with me as les Amis and other various men ran past us towards the Cafe Musain. People were already throwing their furniture out of windows and bringing the chairs and tables from the café. Others were getting all of the ammunition from upstairs.

I let go of Enjolras hand after a while and ran to help everyone to build the barricade. I kept my head low and prayed that no one would recognise me.

"We need someone to go and see what they are up to!" Enjolras said, as he helped some of the others with the ammunition.

"I will go, Monsiour. I was once one of them. I know their secrets and I have my sources." Said a man in his mid- seventies or so.

"Well done sir. You are very brave. Take this and use it well." Enjolras said, pressing a gun into his arms.

"Ponine!" A voice whisper-shouted. It was Gavroche.

"Gavroche, no one is supposed to know it's me!" I hissed.

"I don't care. Mama came and she's not dressed in mens clothes." He said.

"What?! Why is mama here?" I asked,  adding that to my ever growing list of things to be worried about.

"I don't know! She said she would stay in the cafe and leave if anything bad happened." He said.

"Gavroche, we are currently standing behind a barricade with the National Guard on the other side. Something bad is probably going to happen." I said.

"Well..." he stood up and began to walk away.

"What's wrong?" Enjolras asked.

"It's nothing. I promise." I said.

"You're a terrible lier, you know that?" He said.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically.

"No bother." He smiled. "Now, we had best get over to the others before someone notices our absence."

"Well, your absence. No one knows who I am. You are the leader and everyone will notice if you're not there." I said.

The barricade was quite large and spread from one row of houses to the other. The National Guard had just appeared on the other side of the street but had yet to start shooting at us.

"Alright everyone. We have got food but not a lot. There is alcoholic substances in the Cafe Musain and also water for those of you who do not drink." Enjolras said, as if he were the host of a luxurious hotel.

Everyone began to move around a bit, going into the café or finding somewhere to rest for the night. They all kept their weapons at hand, no matter what they did. There were a small few up near the top of the barricade, keeping a look out, just in case of a surprise attack.

I sat down on a pile of rubble and twisted my engagement ring around my finger. Marius sat down near by and I immediately thought of the letter I had for him. I was about to go over and talk to him but Joly sat down next to me, blocking my path.

"Hello Ponine." He said quietly.

"Joly, how did you know it was me?" I asked.

"Gavroche told me and Enjolras told me and then your mother told me." He explained.

"Who else knows? About my being here?" I asked. If anyone else knew, my cover would be blown and I would be mercilessly teased by the others for wearing mens clothing.

"No one, as far as I know. Gavroche swore me to secrecy and said to make sure that Grantaire doesn't overhear or he will just tell everyone." Joly said.

"Well, he is unfortunately right." I said. "How is Musichetta?"

"She's alright. She isn't very happy about me going off to war but I promised to try and return to her." He said.

"This whole thing is horrible on people's love lives." I said.

"Who's the letter from?" Joly asked.

"Oh, it's for Marius. From Cosette. I need to give it to him." I explained.

Suddenly, a voice broke out from the crowd.

"He's back!"

"Let him in!"

The older man who had gone off to find out information had come back at last.

"My friends, I know their plans. They do not intend on striking tonight. They wish to starve you out and attack in the morning." He said, as they let him in.

"Lier!" Gavroche shouted. He climbed down from the barricade and stood in front of the man.

"He's a spy who goes by the name of Inspector Javert. Don't believe any of what he said because none of its true. He's been lying this whole time!" Gavroche announced.

"Bravo Gavroche!" Courfeyrac said. "Now, what do we do with this little snake in the grass?"

"Tie him up. The people will decide your fate, Javert." Enjolras said.

"Enjolras! Quick! It's the National Guard, they've come early!" Someone shouted.

"Quickly now everyone! They will be brutal but we must fight back!" He shouted as everyone got ready for a fight.

The sound of gunshots soon went off and they rushed to the top of the barricade to help. I stayed below and reloaded the guns.

Suddenly, I saw Marius fighting in close combat with one of the guards. Without even thinking, I ran up to him and grabbed the top of the gun, which was pointed at his head, and redirected it to my own stomach.

I had meant for the shot to go off at my foot but unfortunately it shot me in the hand, which was incredibly painful. My torso felt sort of numb as I climbed down the barricade.

That's when I noticed the blood. And so did a lot of the others, including Enjolras.

"Oh my goodness! Eponine, what happened?" He said crouching next to me.

"It's fine. Just a small wound." I said.

"Eponine, move your hands. There is blood everywhere!" He said, moving my bloodied hands away from my side.

There was an open wound on my left side and there was a lot of blood. The bullet must have gone through my hand and hit my side.

"We need to get you to hospital." He said, pressing a cloth to the wound.

"Wait." I said, getting the letter out of my pocket. "Give this to Marius. It's from Cosette."

"Of course. But please love, go to the hospital." Enjolras begged.

"I can take her Enjolras. They know me there." Joly said.

"Thank you, Joly." Enjolras said, before mama came rushing over.

"Eponine! Oh my dear, what hurts?" She said.

"I'll be fine Mama. Joly is taking me to hospital." I said. "Please, just be careful. Take care of yourself and try not to let Gavroche get up to any mischief."

"Don't worry. He'll be fine with me." She said, almost sadly. "I love you so much Eponine."

I gave her a slight hug with my last remaining strength.

"I love you too mama." I whispered in her ear.

Joly finally picked me up gently from the floor and started to walk away.

"Thank you, Joly." I said, before everything went black.

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