Chapter 24

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*Gavroches POV*

"Ponine, I'm bored." I said, walking into the study.

"I'm a bit busy right now. Perhaps you can read a book, or explore the house a bit." She suggested, not looking up from her letter.

Two weeks ago, her friend, Cosette, had married Marius and now they were both on honeymoon.

"I don't want to read. And I've already searched the house twice. Did you know that we had a dungeon?" I said.

"That's not a dungeon, that's a cellar. It's where we used to keep food." Enjolras said from the corner of the room.

"I'll go for a walk with you when I've finished this letter." Eponine finally said.

"Who are you writing to?" I asked.

"I'll tell you in a minute." She replied impatiently. Enjolras stood up and filed some papers away.

"Alright, I have to go. I should be back at some point before dinner." He said, pulling on his jacket.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"My parents own a few factories in Paris and they often ask me to visit them. I also studied law before the revolution and had a job which is must get back to." He explained.

"Okay. Well, good luck. We'll see you later." Eponine said, glancing up briefly from her letter. I covered my eyes while they pecked each other on the lips.

I heard the front door close and we were left in silence, the only sound in the room was the scratching of Eponines pen. I looked over her shoulder.

"Who are you writing to?" I asked again. She signed her name and looked up.

"If you really want to know, we need a new maid and a butler for the house. Marius grandfather told me about a house that is trying to place all of their staff in a new house."


"The man who owned the house recently died and he has no children to pass it on to. I already attempted to put an add in the paper but no one has replied and it was almost two months ago."

"Can we go for a walk now?" I asked eagerly.

"Alright, alright. Where should we walk to?" She asked, walking down the hall.

"I don't know. Just to the café and back again."

"I don't know. We haven't been to the café since the revolution." She said uncertainly. I opened the large doors.

"It's not like a ghost will jump out at us." I sighed. She nodded and took my hand as we walked down the street.

We walked past all of the other large houses and met no one. However, when we stopped briefly at the postbox, two of our neighbours glared at us.

"Good morning Monsiour. Can I help you?" Eponine asked politely.

"Help me do what? Overthrow the king?" The first man asked.

"Or kill most of our guardsmen?" The other added.

"Well, I could help you find some manners for one thing." Eponine said, turning around and walking down the street again.

"Scum of the street." One man muttered. Eponine whipped around to face them again.

"Please watch your language Monsiour. There is a child present. Good day to you." She snapped, dragging me down the street again.


"Yes Gavroche."

"Why wasn't Cosettes father at the wedding? Enjolras had to walk the aisle with her." I said.

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