Chapter 3

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*Enjolras POV*

I gazed at the fire as Marius and Eponine talked. My tea had gone cold hours ago and it was nearly dark outside. Marius had stayed for lunch but said he had to return to his family for dinner.

"Well I should probably get going. My grandfather would never forgive me if I missed dinner." Marius finally said. He stood up and stretched before giving Eponine a gentle hug.

"I'll see you later 'Ponine. I hope you get better soon." He said to her, before turning to Gavroche.

"See you on Friday, Gav. Save me a seat for the meeting. I could be late." He said.

"Don't forget me, Marius." I said, standing up and walking to the door with him.

"I'll see you on Friday, Enjolras. Take care if Eponine for me." Marius said, as he put his coat and hat on.

"I will. Take care, Marius. I'll see you soon." I said, as he walked down the pathway to his carriage.

I was walking back towards the drawing room, when I heard the distinct sound of my piano. Walking into the room, I saw Eponine sitting at the piano playing a tune. She was very good too.

"Madame, I didn't know that you played the piano." I said. She looked up and stopped playing.

"Well there's lots of things I can do, including playing the piano. Mama taught me years ago whenever Papa was out." She said. "And please don't call me Madame. Eponine will do just fine."

Gavroche walked over with a large book in his hand.

"Eponine, what's this word?" He asked, pointing to one of the pages.

"Oh, I'm sorry Enjolras. Gavroche is just borrowing one of your books. I'm trying to teach to read." Eponine explained.

"Oh it's fine but why is he reading a history book? There's nothing really interesting in there." I said, looking at the cover.

"He just chose a random book. That word is 'abuse'. It means to treat someone in a terrible way. Maybe choose a different book to read." She said, closing the book over.

While Gavroche returned to the bookshelf, I looked at Eponine again.

"So what else can you do? Besides playing the piano." I asked.

"Well I can sew and knit, I can read and write but that's not much really. Where I come from, those talents don't really matter. They won't make you any money." Eponine said.

"Why not? Surely being able to read and write would help you to get a job or something?" I said.

"The only way to make money in Paris is to go to the docks or become a thief. I always try to avoid both if I can help it." Eponine said sadly.

"You mean you've never stolen anything? But your parents..."

"My father is a thief and my mother was simply there to help in his rotten schemes. But whenever he sent me to the docks, Mama would always bring me to a small room and lock it and would get some money for me to give to Papa when it was morning. He never found out, thank goodness." Eponine explained.

"But why would she do that? It seems like a lot of hassle for one night." I asked.

"She didn't think that it was very safe for me to go out alone to the docks. When she looks at me, she still sees the defenceless little girl I once was. It's hard for her to imagine otherwise." Eponine said.

"Oh. That makes sense, I suppose." I said.

Eponines life was so horrible, I could see. I often complained about growing up with strict parents, but at least I had enough food and clothes to last me. I thought my life was unfair in every aspect, but now I see that I had much more than Eponine could ever have imagined. This is why we must rebel. To change the way everyone is treated in this completely unfair society.

Eponine began playing the piano again and Gavroche had run out of the room. I watched Eponine as she played. It was quite nice to watch her play. She knew where all of the keys were and exactly when to press them. Her fingers were almost part of the piano as they danced across the keys.

I walked over and stood near her and watched as she tried to reach one of the firther keys for a harmony line. I walked over and and pressed them for her, playing along with the song, which was one I had never heard before.

She looked up at me and kept playing. When the song was finished, she looked up at me, her face flushed.

"So you play piano too. Why am I not surprised?" She said, grinning up at me.

"Welln there's plenty  of things I can do. That includes playing the piano." I replied.

"And starting a revolution. How's that going for you, by the way." Eponine asked politely.

"Well it's going okay, I guess. But I'm sure you don't want me to bore you with all that nonsense about war." I replied. I could see that she was getting very tired as it was.

"You're fighting for a just society. I wouldn't call that boring." She said.

"Perhaps we should go to bed. It's getting very late and Joly said he'd call in tomorrow to see how you are." I said awkwardly.

I helped her up and we started walking up the stairs.

"Thank you for everything, Enjolras. It really means a lot. It's nice to know that Gavroche has a place to go where he'll be safe." Eponine said as we neared her room.

"It's fine. I like having people stay here. It makes the place much more lively. It's incredibly empty when it's just Camille and I." I said. I was true, though. My house could feel very empty with only me there.

"Well, I have been surrounded by people all my life and I've never had to worry about being alone." She said. I opened her door and helped her over to the bed.

"There you go. Are you comfortable enough? I can get some more blankets if you're cold." I said as she lay down on the bed.

"Oh, no its fine. It's perfect. You should probably get some sleep. You look awfully tired." Eponine said.

"Well if you're sure you'll be alright..." I said, double checking, just in case.

"It's fine. Now get some sleep. Gavroche went up to bed ages ago so he's already asleep." Eponine said. I finally gave in and started to leave.

"Good night, Enjolras. Sleep well." She said when I reached the door.

"Good night Eponine." I said, before closing the door behind me.

I stood outside for a minute or two. I really needed to go to bed but I knew sleep wouldn't come. Camille would have gone home by now so I decided to wander around the house for a bit.

It was very empty and it felt odd not having Eponine leaning on my arm. I suppose I had just become accustomed to her being there.

I did eventually go to bed but, as I suspected, sleep didn't come. I couldn't feel even the slightest bit tired. I thought back to earlier today when Eponine was playing the piano. It was so beautiful I didn't want to intrude her, but the song was so beautiful, that I couldn't help myself. It was a haunting piece, much like a lullaby, but I had never heard it before, as I said.

I did eventually go to sleep, with Eponines music ringing in my ears.

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