Chapter 9

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*Enjolras POV*

"Cosette!" Eponine said, running over and wrapping her arms around her friend.

"Eponine! How are you? I haven't seen you in ages." Cosette replied.

"Monsiour Madalaine, it's good to see you again." I said, nodding my head at Cosettes father.

"You too, Enjolras. How has everyone been keeping? I hope you're all well." He replied.

"We've all been wonderful. This is Madame Thenardier, Eponines mother." I said, introducing the woman who stood with Gavroche.

"Lovely to meet you, Madame. It has been many years since I saw you and your charming family." He said, kissing the top of her hand.

"I'd hardly call it charming, but thank you." She replied.

As they spoke, I sat next to Gavroche, who was reading another book. Cosette and her father had returned from their holiday a few days ago and had come over for a visit. Eponine was currently sitting in the corner of the drawing room with Cosette, talking about goodness knows what.

"What are you reading, Gavroche?" I asked the boy.

"It's a book 'Ponine gave me. It's got very big words in it." He replied, scrunching up his nose in disgust.

"I'm sure it's not that bad. Here let me help you." I offered taking the book from his lap.

*Eponines POV*

"You know,Enjolras would make an amazing father." I looked next to me at Cosette.

"What?!" I whisper- shrieked.

"Oh Eponine, look at them and tell me you don't see him as a father." She replied, pointing over to the couch.

Enjolras and Gavroche were sitting next to each other, reading the book I had given the latter yesterday.

I looked back at Cosette who had a smirk on her face.

"I didn't say anything." I warned, pointing a finger in her face.

"You didn't have to." She replied.

Cosette and her Papa ended up staying for dinner that evening. Mama had a nice time talking to Monsiour Madalaine, but I think Enjolras would have liked to talk to someone who wasn't thirteen years younger than him, no offence to Gavroche or anything.

When Cosette eventually left, I decided to spend some time with Enjolras. He had disappeared to his study, so after I had given Gavroche something light to eat, I walked down the corridor and located the study.

It wasn't a room that I often went into, if I could avoid it. It had a big, mahogany writing desk in one corner and a whole wall covered in shelves of books and papers.

When I walked in, Enjolras was sitting at the desk, writing on a few pieces of paper. He didn't notice me when I first entered the room, until I closed the door behind me with a soft click.

He raised his head a bit and turned in his seat to look at me. A small smile donned his face, as I walked over to him.

"What are you doing there?" I asked, looking over his shoulders at all of the papers.

"It's nothing. I was just doing some work for...stuff." He replied. He stood up after a moment and wrapped his arms around me. I buried my head into his chest, breathing in his sweet smell of ink and paper.

"Are you okay, Eponine?" He asked me, running his hand through my hair.

"Yes, I was just...thinking, I guess."I sighed.

"What were you thinking about?" He inquired.

"Oh, just something Cosette said earlier. It doesn't matter." I said dismissively.

"It was nice to see them again. We don't see a lot of them." Enjolras replied.

"Yes, and mama seemed to like Monsiour Madalaine." I added. We were quiet for a moment, before Enjolras broke the silence.

"Can we go for a walk?" He asked suddenly. I was rather taken back by his question, but I nodded my head.

"I don't see why not. Just let me get a shawl or something first." I replied, walking towards the door.

"Surely it's not that cold." He said, shaking his head.

"Of course it's cold. It's April, Apollo." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Who told you that nickname?" He asked.

"It might have been Courfeyrac. Or Marius." I thought for a moment. "Wait, now I remember, it was Joly.

"Remind me to kill him the next time he calls around." Enjolras joked.


"Because, we all agreed to stop with the nicknames when we were fifteen."

"Well, he must have felt the need to bring it back up when you were twenty one." I replied, leaving the room.

I could hear him muttering softly to himself as I walked down the hallway.

*Enjolras POV*

The cold night air greeted us when we opened the front door. I saw Eponine wrap her shawl around her body as we began to walk down the street. I never understood why men were able to wear big, thick coats but woman usually wore a thin shawl in the cold weather.

"Eponine, are you very cold? We can go back in you want." I suggested.

"Oh, no its fine. It's just a bit colder than I thought it would be." She explained. I thought for a moment before wrapping one arm around her shoulders, pulling her into my side.

We walked like that in silence for a while, until we reached the edge of the river. Eponine walked over to a bench and sat down, gazing at the water.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, standing behind her.

"The water, of course." She replied softly.

"I can see that but why? Some people say that the river is going to swell up this year. Goodness knows why." I said.

"It look nice though. All of the lights from windows and the street lamps reflect off the water and it looks like stars or jewels." She replied. I turned my head to the side and looked again.

"It does a bit." I agreed.

"So, it's April now. Only a matter of weeks left until June." Eponine said, after a moment of silence.


"And your revolution..."

"Might be in June, it might be in July. For all we know, it could be in October." I said.

"But Joly told me yesterday at the meeting that Lumarque was getting worse. A lot worse." She said, starting to get worried.

"Eponine, I promise everything will be fine. We are gathering ammunition every day. Combeferre is hiding it at his house. Our numbers go up every day. You've seen it, at Café Musain, there are more people coming to the meetings. Whatever happens to Lumarque, we'll be ready for it." I said, trying to calm her down. She just sighed.

"I hope you're right, for your sake, Enjolras." She sighed. "Because, if anything happens to you, I simply don't know what I'll do. I can't be alone in this world without you."

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