Chapter 14

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* Eponines POV*

"I am not wearing that."

"But Eponine, the lady at the desk said it was the latest fashion."

"Cosette, it's hideous."

For the last week, Cosette and I had been going around to every dress shop in Paris, trying to find a suitable dress for Jolys ball.

"Eponine, you're running out of choices here. The ball is tomorrow and you need a dress." Cosette said.

"I know the ball is tomorrow and I'm well aware that I need a dress but I refuse to wear this one." I said, handing her back the hideous garment.

I started to get dressed again and when I came back out of the dressing room, I could see Cosette shaking her head at me.

"I'm sorry! I'm a very picky person." I said.

"I noticed." She said, as we walked out of the shop.

"Look, if I don't find anything before tomorrow, I'll just wear some of my own clothes." I said, as we stopped outside her house.

"Alright. If I see anything I'll tell you. I'll come over tomorrow to do your hair at about lunch time." She said. I gave her a quick hug.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I walked away .

Enjolras was still out when I got home. He had gone of with Marius and Gavroche a few hours ago. He'd be back soon.

"Eponine, is that you?" I heard Mama call.

"Yes mama." I called back. She came out from the kitchen and gave me a quick hug.

"Did you find a dress?" She asked.

"No. But Cosette tried to persuade me to get a horrid yellow and brown one." I laughed.

"Yellow. That's...interesting." Mama said as she led me towards the drawing room.

"Oh gets worse, it had a matching hat." I added.

"Well, if you had bought that one, I wouldn't let you go." She said.

"Cosette will be coming tomorrow to do my hair. She insisted." I said.

"Thank goodness she's good at doing hair." Mama said picking up the porcelain tea pot. "Will you have a cup of tea?"

"Yes please mama."

We sat in silence for a minutes, just sipping our tea.

"I have put some flower bulbs in the window boxes. They should bloom in time for summer." Mama said.

"That's lovely. What colour are they?" I asked.

"They're purple to match the blue shutters." She replied.

"Oh that will be beautiful. It will give the place some colour." I said.

"That's what I was thinking. The house is lovely but it's the same as all of the other houses on the street. Big and white. I thought the flowers would brighten it up." Mama said.

"I'm sure it will." I nodded. "Of course Monsiour Gillmur won't be happy. He likes everything to be exactly the same. Including the houses."

"What an oldie." Mama said, causing us to both burst out laughing.

"It's anyone here?" We heard someone call.

"That will be Enjolras." I said standing up and walking down to where he was hanging up his coat.

"Hello there. How was your day?" He asked, giving me a quick kiss.

"A complete disaster." I replied.

Colour of Desire {Enjonine}Where stories live. Discover now