Chapter 16

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*Eponines POV*

"Where are you going, Eponine?" Enjolras asked.

"I was going to your public meeting and then I was going to visit Marius." I replied pulling on a light shawl. It was nearly the end of may but it was still quite cold.

"Be careful, though. Your father is living quite close by to Marius. I don't want anything to happen to you." Enjolras said.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. Now go on or you'll be late. I'll see you there." I said, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"I'm going, I'm going. I'll see you later." He said, rushing down the road.

I walked in the opposite direction to try and find where Gavroche had run off to.

I was walking along near the Notre Damm cathedral, when I saw Cosette walking with her father, giving money to the poor.

I waved in her direction but I didn't stop to chat with her. I was nearly late for the meeting.

As I entered the large square where the meeting was going to be, I finally saw Gavroche climbing off the back of a carriage and on to Courfeyracs back.

I walked behind them and soon got lost in the crowd surrounding Marius and Enjolras, who were standing on a make shift stage. We were right in front of General Lumarques house.

The people were calling out towards the two on stage who eventually called back.

"Where is our king? Why does he not see that we are need of his help? He has enough money and food to keep us from dying but he doesn't even know what happens out here!" Enjolras shouted.

"Only General Lumarque attempts to free us all! He is the only one who speaks for us!" Marius said. I saw Joly run from Lumarques house and up onto the stage. He whispered something in Enjolras ear. He nodded and Joly left the stage.

"Lumarque is sick and fading fast. Our sources tell us that he won't last the week, and all anger in the land is not helping him much. How long will it be until the judgement day?" Enjolras said. "Before we show the king and he makes us free."

"Before the barricades arise!" Les Amis shouted. Suddenly I saw the National Guard riding towards us.

"It's the police!" I cried. The crowd became frantic and Enjolras and Marius jumped off the stage and began to give out as may leaflets as possible.

I stood next to Marius and he smiled down at me.

"It's not exactly what we had in mind but at least they're not shooting at us."He said.

"Marius!" An old man said.

"Grandfather." He said.

"Have you any idea of the shame you bring on our family?" The older man said.

"I don't care anymore!" Marius shouted, as we were pulled backwards with the rest of the crowd, who were shouting out, "Viva La France."

"Marius, are you alright?" I asked, walking in on him after the meeting.

"Yes, I'm fine." He said, packing some more books into his bag.

"How did the meeting go?" I asked.

"It could have been worse, I guess." He sighed. He started to walk towards the door with me.

"Where are you going?" I said.

"I have to go to Café Musain for he meeting. I promised Enjolras." He explained.

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