Chapter 11

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*Enjolras POV*

"Javert?!" Eponine whispered, her face turning pale.

"What is the head of the national doing here?" I asked.

"I don't know. That's why I came to get out two." Gavroche said, equally scared.

"Well, you'd best not keep him waiting. He could try to snoop around if you leave him alone for too long." Madame Thenardier said, standing up from the table.

"She's right. We'd better go to see him. Gavroche, stay with Mama." Eponine said.

"Why can't I come too?" Gavroche whined.

"Because, you have a very bad record with Javert. He's nearly put you into prison three times." Madame Thenardier said, grabbing his hand and taking him out of the room.

"He's nearly gone to jail?" I asked Eponine once they were gone.

"Yeah, one of his favourite places to play is in one of the elephants outside the Bastille. Javert has caught a few times and always threatens to arrest him." Eponine explained.

"Can he do that?" I asked, as we began to walk out of the kitchen.

"I have no idea. Now, just don't act like you have anything to hide and you'll be fine." Eponine said.

"But I do have something to hide." I replied.

"Just follow my lead. I do this all the time." She said as we neared the front door.

Eponine took a deep breath in looked at the floor as we neared the head of the National Guard.

"Monsiour Javert, it's a pleasure to meet you again." I said to him.

"Monsiour Enjolras, thank you for taking the time to talk to me." He replied.

"It's not like we had much of a choice really." I heard Eponine mutter.

"And who is this?" Javert asked.

"This is Madame Eponine." I replied.

"Ah, yes and what, may I ask, is Thenardiers daughter doing in your house, or are you not aware of her fathers crimes?" Javert asked.

"Well, she is my Fiancée, of course." I replied, using the first thing that came to mind. I could see Eponine look at me in confusion until I elbowed her in the ribs.

"Your Fiancée?" He asked suspiciously.

"Yes, my fiancée. We've been together for over two years by now." I lied.

"Alright. Well, let's go and sit in the drawing room. I need to speak with you." Javert said before walking down the hall as if he owned the place. Suddenly I felt a sharp poke in my ribs.

"Now we're even." Eponine smirked.


"You jabbed me in the chest when you were lying to Javert. Good going by the way." She whispered.

"Thank you. Now, let's go and find out where he's gone." I answered.

"He's so rude sometimes. He just waltzed right in as if he'd grown up here." She added.

"I know, that's what I was thinking." I replied.

"Are you two coming?" We heard Javert call from the drawing room.

"Oh yes, we were just checking if we actually own this house or not." Eponine muttered to herself.

"Shush, my love, be nice." I whispered back.

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