Chapter 19

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*Enjolras POV*

"Marius!" I called, running over to my friend, who was currently walking around in a daze.

"Enjolras." He said.

"What's wrong with you? You're in a bit of a daze." I said.

"Oh, I just got this letter from Eponine. She said it was from Cosette." He explained.

"Well, what was it about?" I asked.

"She's not gone." He said. "I thought she was gone for good but I was wrong."

"What are you going to do? Are you going to leave us?" I asked.

"No. I can't leave you all. Eponine and Joly are already gone." He said.

"You should at least reply to her letter." I said.

"Should I?"

"Of course you should! Look, if she told you how she feels, you should at least tell her how you feel." I said.

"But how is she going to get it? I have no way to give it to her." Marius said.

"I know what to do. You just write that letter." I said, walking off to find Gavroche. I eventually caught sight of Courfeyrac, who just so happened to be Gavroches friend.

"Courfeyrac, do you know where Gavroche is?" I asked.

"Yes, I just saw him inside with Madame Thenardier." He said. I thanked him and rushed inside. Gavroche was sitting on the floor next to his mother, who was sobbing softly into a handkerchief.

"Gavroche, what's wrong?" I asked, sitting next to them.

"Mama is just upset about Eponine being hurt." He said sadly.

"Madame Thenardier, Eponine is a strong girl. She will be fine. She knew what she was doing when she signed up for this. She needed to protect Marius, even if no one else agreed with her." I said to the woman.

"I know, I know. But I always worry about my children. Two of them were taken from me when they were very young and now I want to keep my other children safe." She explained.

"Madame, I promise you that Eponine will be okay. I won't let anything happen to her, I promise." I said.

"Thank you Enjolras." She said, before walking towards the back of the inn.

"Gavroche, I need you to do something for me." I said.

"What?" He asked suspiciously.

"I need you to send a letter to Cosette from Marius. It's very important." I replied.

"Are you just trying to get rid of me?" He said.

"No. As much as I would like you to stay away from here, I know that will never happen." I said. He nodded and ran outside. I followed him a moment later and walked over to Courfeyrac.

"Enjolras, how are you?" He asked.

"I could be worse, I guess." I replied.

"Eponine will be fine, you know. I mean, seeing as she didn't die from the shot straight away means that she will probably survive." He said.

"I know she won't die. At least, I'm praying with all my heart that she'll be okay." I said.

"And she will be. If you think about it, she survived a life with the Thenardiers. If someone can life with them for a long period of time and live you tell the tale, they can probably do anything." He joked.

"You have a point there." I said.

"I know. By the way, where is Gavroche going? It's not safe for him to be leaving the barricade. He could get hurt, or worse." Courfeyrac said.

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