Chapter 23

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*Eponines POV*

Tears filled my eyes as I watched my two best friends say their wedding vows. They had both been through so much and now they stood together at the alter.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Monsiour and Madame Pontmercy." The priest said. Everyone clapped and the happy couple walked down the aisle together. I walked next to Enjolras as we followed them out.

Cosette and Marius had wanted a small wedding with just their closest friends and family but Monsiour Gillenormond would not have it. He invited everyone he knew and made sure that it was the celebration of a life time. Unfortunately, Cosettes father was unable to come.

"Gavroche! Come on we have to go." I said, grabbing his arm.



"Can I take this jacket of now?" He asked.

"No. It has to stay on for the rest of the evening." I said.

"But it's too itchy." He whined.

"You'll have to get used to it. I always had to wear them when I was younger and mine were worse." Enjolras said.

"But you don't have to wear them now." Gavroche said.

"That's because I have a wound that needs to heal." He replied.

"So do I!"

"Yours healed ages ago." I laughed, helping him into the carriage.

"If you knew how uncomfortable this was Ponine, you wouldn't let me wear them."

"I have to wear a corset which is tightened to make my waist look ten times smaller."

"But why?"

"If don't know. Woman's fashion is appalling. It's designed to make women look good. It doesn't matter about comfort." I explained.

"Alright you two. That's enough fighting for now. This is a wedding so enjoy yourselves." Enjolras chuckled as the carriage stopped outside Monsiour Gillenormonds house.

"Hello,you three." Musichetta and Joly  walked over to us as we stepped outside of the carriage.

"It's good to see you both." I said as we all walked into the house.

"There are a lot of people here." Joly said. "Enjolras, is that your parents?"

"I hope not. I haven't spoken to them in nearly four years." He replied.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I was never very close with them. I lost contact after I moved to Paris." He explained.

"Can we meet them?" Gavroche asked.

"No! Let's avoid them, if possible." Enjolras said, walking in another direction.

"Ah, you must be Monsiour Enjolras. I have heard so much about you." A woman came up to us and kissed his cheek.

"Madame, I don't believe we've met before." Enjolras replied.

"I am a friend of the family. You wouldn't remember me. I was your mothers friend." She replied.

"Of course."

"And who is this?" She asked, looking at me.

"This is my fiancée, Eponine and her brother Gavroche." He said.

"It's lovely to meet you Madame." I said politely.

"You are not yet married?" The woman said.

"No, not yet. I met Eponine at the start of the year and I proposed to her two months ago."

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