Chapter 36

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*Eponines POV*

"You look so beautiful." Cosette squealed. Musichetta hushed her as she placed my veil upon my head.I blushed slightly. I had wanted my dress to be as simple as possible, but madame intervened and insisted I buy the most elaborate dress in the shop. In the end, I settled for something in between. The veil had been another argument. I didn't like the idea of something covering my face, but apparently it was customary.

"Thank you, Cosette. You look wonderful too, you both do." I replied. They wore simple long cream gowns with a black sash around the middle.

"Alright, the guests are in their seats and Enjolras is waiting at the alter." Madame said, coming into my room with Elowen. We were all ushered carefully out of the room and brought to the grand staircase. Grandpére and Gavroche were standing at the bottom, both with huge smiles on their faces.

"You look absolutely splendid, my dear." Grandpére said, taking my hand when we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Grandpére, are you crying?" I laughed, seeing him wipe his eyes.

"Of course I am. My first grandchild is getting married and I only met her three days ago. Oh, how I wish my dear Elaine was here with us on this wonderful day." He sighed. I smiled at him.

"Me too. I would have loved to meet her." I sighed. I wished that everyone could be here with us to share our happiness, Mama, Feuilly, Courfeyrac, Cobeferre, Bahorel, all of Les Amis who lost their lives last year. I felt a lump form in my throat just thinking about them.

"Don't you go crying too, it's your wedding day. You should be happy." He said.

"I am happy. I'm just a little sad too." I replied.

"Well, before she starts crying and ruins her face, we must go to the alter." Madame said. She started to arrange us all in perfect order, with Gavroche in the front, followed by my two bridesmaids.

"Now, Elowen and I will go first and take our seats. you must wait for exactly sixty seconds before following us." Madame said. We nodded and she finally left.

"Are you nervous?" Cosette asked.

"A little, I must admit." I replied. 

"Don't worry. The moment you set eyes on Enjolras, all of your fears will disappear." Musichetta said. I thanked her and we began to walk outside. The sun shone brightly down on the colorful garden, as we made our way around the side of the house. I heard the hum of peoples voices sounding from the rose garden, causing my stomach to flutter. The entrance was marked by a rose arch way, and it here where Francis handed me my bouquet.

"You look a picture, madame. Many wishes to you both on glorious day." She said.

"Thank you, Francis. Thank you for everything." I said. She curtsied and walked away, just as the band struck up. The next thing I knew, Grandpére was leading me through the archway and down the long aisle.

All of the guests rose to their feet and smiled happily as we walked. All I could see was the sea of colour in front of me. But when Musichetta and Cosette moved to the side ad took their seats, all I could see was my Enjolras, smiling happily as he gazed at me. Grandpére placed my hand on his and gave me a small smile, before turning and sitting in the front row next to Gavroche.

"You look beautiful, my love." Enjolras said softly. I could feel myself blushing, but no one could see me beneath the veil that covered my face.

"You look wonderful too, Apollo." I replied. I could hear him chuckle softly as we turned to face the priest.

"Friends and family alike, we are all gathered here today to unite these two souls in holy matrimony." The priest began. I barely went to church, I had to admit, only once a year on Christmas day, so I stopped listening as he ran through the ceremony. I felt Enjolras squeeze my hand at some point, bringing another smile to my face. I heard sniffs come from behind me, as a few people started crying. Most of them must have been pretending, because they probably didn't even know who we were. I began to listen again near to the end of the ceremony

"Now, please face your beloved to exchange the final vows." the priest said. I turned to Enjolras and he carefully lifted the veil off my face. He took my empty hand in both of his and gazed into my eyes again.

"Do you, Enjolras Phillipe, take Eponine Helena to be your wife, to have in your life, to share every memory with, to laugh and to cry with, everyday, good and bad, from this day and forevermore?" He said. I looked into the icy blue eyes of my one true love, and he smiled happily.

"I do."

"And do you, Eponine Helena, take Enjolras Phillipe to be your husband, to have in your life, to share every memory with, to laugh and to cry with, everyday, good and bad, from this day and forevermore?"

"I do."

"Can the rings please be brought forward?" I watched Gavroche walk up to us importantly, the rings in his hand. Enjolras took the first

"Repeat after me: I, Enjolras, promise to love and support thee, Eponine, in everything I do, no matter what. To live each day in happiness and truth and passion. With this ring, I thee wed."

Enjolras repeated everything and slipped the ring onto my finger, where it lay cold and glistening next to the first. I repeated the same words and managed to slide the ring into place on his hand too.

"Go now, in love and happiness, to live your lives together, forever. I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest said. "You may now kiss your bride."

Enjolras pushed the hair off my face, with his two hands cupping under my chin and kissed me. Everyone clapped happily as the priest announced us to the congregation. When we pulled away, he took my hands again.

"I love you, my Eponine." He said.

"I love you too, Enjolras." I replied. We started walking happily down the aisle, all of the guests following behind. All of the grand houses servants were standing at the entrance to the ceremony and the all cheered happily when we walked out. I was the happiest person alive in that moment. It was as if no one else was there, it was just Enjolras and myself, together, everyday, for the rest of our lives.

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