Chapter 26

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*Eponines POV*

"My love, it's time to wake up." A soft voice whispered I'm my ear. I wiped a hand lazily across my face before opening my eyes. I was met with the piercing blue eyes of Enjolras.

"Good morning, Apollo." I murmured. He chuckled and kissed my nose.

"That's not my name." He said.

"I know." I said. The light was pouring through the thin curtains, making patterns on the floor. Two weeks ago, Enjolras had told me that we had to get married. Of course, I was a bit surprised, but also happy to know that I would marry the love of my life in only a few months time.

"So what are you getting up to today?" He asked.

"Invitations. Cosette and Musichetta are coming over with Alina and we're going to send most of them." I replied, pushing myself into a sitting position.

"I'm guessing that my mother sent on the guest list."

"Yes, and it's quite long. I might have to take a few people off the list." I said.

"Well I'm sure that you will do an amazing job." He said. I grinned and got out of bed to get dressed.

Gavroche was sitting at the table when I got downstairs, staring at a bowl of porridge.

"Morning Ponine." He said.

"Good morning Gav. How did you sleep?" I asked, sitting down across from him.

"It was a good sleep." He replied. He sounded very tired all the same.

"Did you have a nightmare? You sound awfully tired." I said.

"I had no bad dreams. Well, maybe one. I don't know." He said, stirring his porridge with a spoon.

"Are you feeling okay, Gavroche? You look very pale."

"I don't feel good." He murmured. I walked around the table and placed my hand on his forehead.

"Your hand is cold." He observed.

"And your head is very warm. I think you might be sick. Go back to bed and I'll ask Joly to take a look at you when he arrives." I said. He nodded and made his way, slowly, out of the room. I shook my head and, after cleaning up his bowl, made my way to the study.

Enjolras was there, of course, flitting through the sheets on his desk.

"What are you looking for?" I asked. He looked up briefly.

"My pen, actually. I have everything I need except my pen." He said.

"You left it in the conservatory last night." I said, shaking my head.

"Of course I did." He chuckled. "Is Gavroche helping you today?"

"No, I just sent him to bed. I think he's sick."

"Poor thing. And poor you." He said. "I just saw the invitation pile. It's huge."

"What invitation pile?" I asked. He pointed to the corner of the room at a large pile of white sheets and a similar stack of envelopes next to it.

"Oh my goodness." I whispered. "We have to write all of those invitations?"

"No. They have everything written on them. You just have to write the name on the envelope and post them." He explained.

"Thank goodness Cosette and Musichetta are helping me. I could never get through this pile alone." I said, just as there was a sharp knock at the door.

"I'll get my pen and you answer the door." Enjolras said.

"You could just use a different pen. I have one that you can borrow." I said as we left the room.

Colour of Desire {Enjonine}Where stories live. Discover now