Chapter 27

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*Enjolras POV*

I looked silently out of the window, as we drove along the familiar roads towards my childhood home. Eponine was pulling at the sleeves of her dress, a clear sign of nerves.

Gavroche was sitting opposite us, swinging his legs happily. I grabbed Eponines hand.

"Don't worry, my love. Everything will work out well in the end." I said.

"Enjolras, your parents hates me at Marius' wedding. Why do you think they'll like me now?" She said.

"Well, you make me so incredibly happy. And, being an only child,my parents want to see me happy. Even if they hated that I was part of the revolution." I said. "Look, you can almost see the house."

I felt her grip tighten on my hand as we drove up the long, extensive driveway towards my parents grand chateau.

"It makes our home look nothing more than a cottage." Eponine whispered.

"It's been our family house for hundreds of years. The attic rooms are mostly reserved for he servants and the floor below that holds the bedrooms." I explained.

"Will Gavroche have his own room too?" She asked.

"I hope so. Posh kids usually don't mix well with the likes of me." The boy said.

"I don't know, actually. I would like to say he will, but my parents may not agree to that." I said. The carriage dress up outside the large oak front doors. Three butlers stepped forward and opened the carriage door for us, helping Eponine out and then going off to collect our bags.

"Enjolras, darling." My mother said, stepping forward with her arms outstretched.

"Mére, how good to see you." I said, giving her cheek a kiss. "I hope you remember my fiancée, Eponine."

"Ah, yes. I remember her well." Mére said, her smile faltering slightly.

"It's wonderful to meet you again, Madame." Eponine said kindly.

"I'll have Henri bring your things to your bedrooms. Cirette! Bring our guest to her room and the child must be brought to the nursery." Mére commanded. "And you, Enjolras, can come with me."

She pulled me through the doors of the house towards the large staircase.

"Your friends will be coming later on, dear." She continued. "And we've had your bedroom cleaned a little but other than that,it's completely unchanged."

"That sounds wonderful." I said, watching as Eponine was pulled away towards the guest bedrooms.

Mére led me through the long, dimly lit corridors of the massive house. Nothing has changed in the last three or four years. Everything was still in place, as if no one dared to move a single object.

"I have a surprise for you, my dear." Mére said, stopping outside my familiar bedroom door.

"Really?" I said, not paying attention. My mind kept wandering back to the whereabouts of Eponine and Gavroche. Mére looked incredibly excited as she pushed open the door.

The room, like the old house, hadn't changed at all over the past few years. The same books were on the shelves, the same pictures hung on the walls. The difference was the girl sitting by the window, her face pulled back into a large, fake smile. Her long,blond hair was nicely styled and she wore a very expensive dress. I groaned internally. This was Mademoiselle Elowen, one of the people my parents had insisted I befriend.

She was one of the most annoying women I ever had the "pleasure" of meeting. Every day she would ask if her dress looked nice, or if I thought she looked pretty.

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