Chapter 29

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*Enjolras POV*

"My love, you seem distracted." I said. Eponine looked up from the table and smiled at me.

"I'm fine." She said.

"I'm can't tell if you're lying or not." I chuckled. She smiled in reply.

"Monsiour, your mother wishes for your presence in the drawing room with Madame Eponine." One of the butlers said.

"Oh, of course." I said. I stood up with Eponine and left the dining room.

"Where is the drawing room?" She asked.

"You can just follow me."

"Your house is huge."

"I'm well aware." I said. "Gavroche would love to explore it."

"I wish he was allowed out of the nursery."

"I'm sure he'll discover a way to escape."

"I hope he doesn't do anything silly. It was fine when we lived in Paris because there was no one there to penalise us. But here..." She said.

"Don't stress, my love. All will be well." I reassured her as we entered the drawing room. Mére was sitting on the edge of the couch, as Pére wrote a letter at the desk.

Eponine and I sat on the couch across from mére.

"Enjolras, my son, how did you sleep?" Pére asked. I saw mére glare in his direction.

"I slept well, Pére, thank you for asking." I replied.

"Elowen will be joining us momentarily. I just wanted to go over a few things for the wedding." Mére said.

"Why does Elowen have to be here for that?" I asked.

"She will be one of the bridesmaids, along with six of her friends."

"Actually, I think Eponine chose Cosette and Musichetta to be her bridesmaids." I said.

"But I already agreed with Elowen that she could be the maid of honour." Mére said.

"I'm sorry, Madame, but we really wanted to keep the wedding quite simple." Eponine explained.

"Not on my watch. I have most of the ceremony planned out and the after party shall take place in the garden. I have ordered a very special cake from the local baker and I thought we would take a trip to Paris in the morning to go shopping for last minute essentials and, of course, a dress." Mére said, looking at a little scrap of paper on her lap.

"And through all this planning you never once thought that we might want to plan our own wedding?" I said, beginning to get angry.

"Oh, I apologise, but your planning skills are non- existent, Enjolras."

"Mére, Eponine and I wanted a simple wedding. We wanted two bridesmaids and a page boy, a simple cake to be served and a small after party with only our immediate family and closest friends present." I stated.

"Why so simple? It's a gathering of nobles, Enjolras, we must show off as best we can."

"Mére, just because every other noble wants to show off their wealth at a wedding, it doesn't mean we have to. Eponine grew up in a very simple town and led a simple life, of sorts. I rebelled against the king for better treatment of the lower classes. It would make me a hypocrite to spend thousands on a wedding that most people will forget!" I shouted. Mére stood up suddenly.

"Enjolras, I would like a word in the corridor." She hissed, just as Elowen flounced in.

"Oh, are you leaving, Enjy?" She asked.

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