Chapter 30

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*Eponines POV*

The next morning, I was awoken early by Francis. She left me with a dress and told me to be downstairs in fifteen minutes to meet the others at the carriage that would bring us to Paris.

Enjolras was still asleep and I had no intention of waking him up. He had had a restless night and he needed to sleep.

I dressed as quickly and as quietly as possible,but just as I began to leave, Enjolras woke up.

"Good morning,darling. I'm sorry for waking you up." I said softly, sitting back down next to him on the bed.

"No, you didn't wake me. My back was hurting me a bit. Where are you off to?" He said, his voice still groggy.

"I'm going to Paris again with your mother, and the others."

"Mére allowed Gavroche to come too, didn't she?"

"Yes, and I'm very grateful. I haven't seen him since we arrived." I said, just as here was another tap on the door.

"Sorry to disturb you Madame, but your brother is here with me." Francis said.

"Oh, thank you. I'll be right out." I said.

"Have a good day, my love. And don't let my mother get to you." Enjolras said. I bent down and gave him a soft kiss and then went to the door.

"I'll see you in a few hours." I said, before turning into the hallway. Francis and Gavroche were both standing there, the latter looking incredibly tired.

"Good morning, thank you for waiting." I said.

"It's not a problem. I hope you have a wonderful day, Madame." Francis said. I took Gavroches hand and began to walk down the corridor.

"I don't like it here, Ponine. The other kids are posh and annoying." He said.

"I don't particularly like it either, but we don't have a choice." I replied. He yawned as we began to descend the stairs, so I picked him up and let him bury his head in my shoulder.

Cosette, Musichetta, Madame and Elowen were all waiting at the door when I finally got downstairs.

"Good morning, Eponine. Did you sleep well?" Cosette asked.

"Yes, thank you." I replied.

"If you're ready, we really must get going." Madame said. We all nodded and began to climb into the waiting carriage.

"It was so difficult to leave this morning." Musichetta said. "Joly wanted to make sure Alina was completely wrapped up and safe."

"He's so protective of her." I said.

"I agree." Cosette said.

"He cried when she was born. She cried and he burst into tears." Musichetta said, smiling down at her daughter.

"Your husband was in the birthing room? That's not allowed." Elowen gasped.

"Well, Joly is a doctor and he wanted an excuse to be there." Musichetta explained.

"I think it's sweet. I would love if Marius was allowed in the room with me when I have to give birth." Cosette sighed.

"Are you expecting, dear?" Madame asked.

"Oh, I don't know yet." Cosette said, blushing slightly. We were quiet for the rest of the journey into Paris. When we did eventually get there, Madame insisted I come with her to collect her outfit for the ceremony. I agreed but kept Gavroche with me. Elowen took Cosette and Musichetta off to look at flowers or bonnets and we agreed to meet them at the bridal shop in half an hour

"So, Eponine, I thought we could use this time to find out a little about one another." Madame began.

"Oh, of course." I replied.

"You said you are from Montfermiel. What did your parents do?"

"My father used to own a humble inn. I lived here with Gavroche and our...sister, Azelma." I said.

"What do mean by 'used to own' an Inn?"

"Um, they lost it about a year and a half ago. They rented an apartment close to Café Musain."

"Why didn't you go with them?"

"By that time I had met Enjolras and I lived with him." I explained.

"How did you meet my son?" Madame asked. I was starting to regret coming with her now. I really wasn't one for answering personal questions.

"I met him one night after Christmas of last year. My father... never mind." I said.

"What? What did your father do?"

"Madame, I'd rather not talk about it." I said. "Look, here's the shop."

"Oh, so it is." She said. She went in alone and came out again with a large box. We started to walk back to find the others in silence. Madame made no further attempt at conversation.

When we reached the bridal shop, she began talking to Elowen and left me with Musichetta and Cosette.

"How was it?" Cosette asked.

"It was fine. She just asked me about my family and how I met Enjolras." I replied.

"Well, you can ignore her now and have a good day with your best friends." Musichetta said. "Now come along. We need to find you a dress to wear on your big day."

So, giggling away, we entered the bridal shop.

A woman in a pretty dress came up to me immediately.

"Bonjour, Madame. How may I help you today?" She said.

"I'm here to purchase a wedding dress and two bridesmaids outfits." I said.

"Ah, of course. Follow me Madame and I shall take your measurements. Your friends can go with my assistant." The woman said, leading me over to a room of mirrors.

"Would you mind removing your dres, Madame?" She asked. I nodded and unbuttoned the back of my dress, which was not an easy task.

"Oh my, your waist is incredibly petite, Madame." The woman gasped.

"Indeed it is. How much did you tighten your corset?" I gasped as Madame came into the room.

"I didn't, actually. I am naturally this thin." I explained.

"This will not be a problem. I get many woman in here with tiny waist sizes, though none quite as small as yours, I must admit." The woman said.

"Eponine, this is Madame Charlotte, by the way. She owns the boutique." Madame said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I said, as she wrapped a tape measure around my arms.

"You too, Madame. Now, stay here while I find you some dress options. I can have them tailored to fit your petite build." Madame Charlotte said, leaving the room again. "And what colour would you like the bridesmaids dresses?"

"Cream, please." I replied. "And I would also like to purchase some black ribbon, Madame."

"Of course. Satin or silk?"

"Silk, if you don't mind." I said.

"Of course. I shall have my assistant cut it for you immediately, Madame." Madame Charlotte said, leaving the room once more. Madame stepped forward and began to circle around me.

"Hm. You do have an unusually small waist. It's natural, you said?"

"Um, yes, Madame. We didn't always get a lot of food when I was growing up and my eating habits still haven't changed." I explained.

"Why would you not have enough food?"

"We lived a life of poverty Madame. Not having any food was, and still is, considered normal."

"What did you say your parents names were?"

"Felix and Helena, Madame."

"And what was your surname?" She asked. I hesitated slightly before replying.


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