Chapter 6

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*Enjolras POV*

In under three months, my life had completely turned around. How this happened, I don't know.

We had just found Eponine and Gavroches Mama on the side of the street, and then proceeded to bring her back to my house. Poor Gavroche was worried sick and Eponine was trying her best to reassure him.

When we eventually got home, Eponine insisted that madame Thenardier slept in her room, as it was big, bright and very clean.

I just nodded and brought her in to the room, lying her on the bed. I went downstairs quickly to get some spare bandages from the kitchen. When I returned, Eponine was sitting next to her Mama, cleaning her wounds with a cool flannel.

"Where's Gavroche?" I asked, noting the absence of the small child.

"He ran off to go and get Joly. He'll be back soon." She said. She turned her attention back to Madame Thenardier, cleaning all of the dirt and blood away from from her face.

"Are you okay Eponine?" I asked quietly.

"I haven't seen her in months and when I do eventually meet her again, I find her half dead at the side of the street." Eponine said. "She could die."

"She won't die, don't be silly. You didn't die when we found you." I reminded her.

"I am young and I'm used to being beaten. Mama is almost forty years old and is hardly ever hurt." She replied. I placed a hand on her shoulder and stared into her large brown eyes.

"She won't die. Joly will make her better and she'll be fine." I told her.

As if on cue, Joly suddenly ran into the room.

"What happened? Who am I helping?" He asked, coming over to the bed.

"She's here." I said. Joly started examining her and bandaged a few of the worst cuts and bruises.

"What is it with you and taking in the madames of Paris who are always hurt?" I heard him mutter.

"We're sorry for calling you out so late, Joly, but Eponine found her on the side of the street and we had to take her. It's her Mére." I explained.

He nodded. "It's fine. I've had much later cases than Madame Thenardier here that are sometimes as mere as a paper cut." Joly said, standing up.

"She should be okay. Make sure she actually stays in bed Enjolras, unlike Eponine over here." He said walking over to us.

"Joly, I can't thank you enough. How much do I owe you for this?" I asked, walking him to the door.

"Enjolras, I can't take money from you. Don't be silly. No, there's no charge. It's my pleasure to help people who are hurt." He said, refusing the money in my hand.

"I will pay you back at some point, Joly. But until then, have a good night and thank you for everything." I said, as he walked off towards his home. I went back upstairs to check on the three Thenardiers.

Eponine was sitting next to her mother again, who had woken up and was talking with Gavroche.

"I'm sorry happy to see you both, alive and well. I was so very worried when you didn't return at Christmas." Madame Thenardier was saying.

"Mama we're fine. We went for a walk with Marius and I was hurt so Enjolras said we could stay with him." Eponine replied. "We meant to return,  but Enjolras insisted that we stay."

I walked over and stood next to Eponine, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Its lovely to meet you, Madame Thenardier. Your daughter talks about you quite frequently." I said. She smiled at me, then at Eponine.

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