Chapter 5

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*Eponines POV*

"Eponine! Where are you going?" Enjolras said, grabbing onto my arm again.

"Over there. I know that girl." I said, trying to continue walking towards them.

"Are you sure you should just walk over to them? What if it's not actually her?" He asked me.

"Cosette lived with me for over a year. She was my only friend. Of course I know it's her." I said. He didn't look convinced.

"Look, how about you just stay here and I'll go over. If it's not her, I'll come right back, I promise." I said. Enjolras reluctantly let go of my arm and I walked over to the girl.

"Papa, look. That man needs help." I heard her say, as I approached her. A few meters away, there was a man in the snow with a stack of wood on his back, half suffocating him. Her Papa ran over and started to help him,  leaving Cosette alone.

"Cosette?" I said, tapping her shoulder. She jumped slightly, but turned around to face me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I apologised. She looked puzzled for a moment, until recollection came over her face.

"Eponine? Surely that's not you? I have not seen you in so long!" She gasped.

"It is me! I thought you wouldn't remember me. Oh my goodness, you've changed so much." I said. It was true. As a child, she was always mistreated by my parents and was forced to wear rags and wore no shoes and there was always a bit of dirt on her face. Now she had grown into a very pretty young lady. Her clothes were immaculate and her hair was nicely combed. There was no dirt on any part of her face. She looked so different and so very beautiful.

"I know. A lot has happened since I left your parents Inn. How are they, by the way? I know your mother was pregnant when I left." She asked politely.

"Oh, they're both fine. My Mama had a little boy. His name is Gavroche. He's standing over there with Enjolras." I said, pointing through the crowd.

"Who's Enjolras? Is he your husband?" She asked me.

"Oh, no. Definitely not. He's just letting us stay with him while I get better." I explained.

"Why? Are you sick?" She asked.

"No, Papa beat me a few weeks ago and I needed somewhere to stay, so Enjolras said I could stay with him." I said.

"Oh. It must have been a horrible beating." She said. Cosette was often beaten when she stayed with us. Mama never hurt her, but Papa absolutely hated her. So did Azelma.

"Anyway, enough about me how are you?" I asked. I really wanted to know what her life had been like since she left.

"I've been living with Papa ever since I left. We've stayed in many different convents and church houses, but they've all been wonderful." She said. Her father came back and stood beside her.

"Sorry about that Cosette. Oh, who's this?" He asked, looking down at me fearfully and placing a protective hand on Cosettes arm.

"Papa, this is Eponine Thenardier. Her parents looked after me when I was a child." Cosette said.

"Oh, I remember. You were the child clinging to your mother's side when I came to your Inn. Cosette said that you were her only friend." He said, shaking my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again, Monsiour." I replied.

"Eponine, there you are. I thought I had lost you in the crowd." Enjolras said, appearing suddenly at my side with Gavroche.

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