Chapter 12

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*Eponines POV*

"Are you sure you want to do this? It's not to late to back down." Enjolras was saying, as I put on my worn out dress again. Today, Les Amis were going to bring the ammunition to Marius' house and I had to distract my father.

"Could you please pass me the belt?" I asked, trying to tighten the top part of my old dress.

"What if you got hurt? What if it doesn't work? What if-" I cut him off with a soft kiss.

"Enjolras, I'll be fine. I'm not going to get hurt. We've been planning this for ages. Besides, you were the one who asked me to do it." I said.

"Well I didn't know that there would be this much stress."

"I'm not stressed." I replied. "And if you stress out, you're just going to get white hair, and you're too young for that."

"Just promise me that you'll leave if he's drunk or tries to hurt you." He asked.

"Okay, I promise. But I'll be fine. Besides, Gavroche is helping me."

"He is?"

"Of course. He's doing stage one of my plan. So we'd better get going." I said, tightening my belt to an almost strangling point.

Before we left, I ran into the drawing room to rub some soot and dirt onto my hair and face. I quickly said goodbye to Mama and I left with Enjolras.

"What's with the dirt?" He asked.

"Just in case Papa wonders where I've been for the last few months. The dirt will make it look as if I've been living on the streets." I explained.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked as we neared everyone.

"I'll be fine. Now come on. Let's get this over and done with." I said.

The group was small and mostly made of students. Marius was at his house, Courfeyrac was getting he ammunition ready and Gavroche was nowhere to be seen.

"Joly, have you seen Gavroche?" I asked as we waited to leave.

"He ran off a few minutes ago but said he wouldn't be long." He replied. As if on cue, Gavroche ran into the middle of the group.


"Yes Gavroche, I'm over here." I said walking over to him. "Is everything ready?"

"Yes, but hurry, Papa is getting impatient." He replied.

"Alright. Enjolras, it's time to start going. If you take the back alley near the Cafe and turn left, the fourth house on the right is Courfeyrac. He might be waiting there for you." I said.

"I know the plan Eponine. I'll see you in a minute." He said, as they began to leave.

"And be careful. There are thieves and murderers at every turn!" I called after them.

"Come on Eponine. We can't waste any time." Gavroche said, pulling me along.

"Where did you leave her Gavroche?" I asked, as we neared the house.

"Just turn that corner and it's the second alley to the right." He said, pointing down the road.

"Okay, you'd better hurry. You wouldn't want her to wake up and ruin our plans." I told him, pushing him towards the alley.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's still unconscious." He replied as he walked away.

"Good." I called.

Once he was gone, I slowly stepped out from my hiding place and looked at Courfeyracs house. Papa was standing just next to the door, looking around as if he was waiting for someone.

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