Chapter 7

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*Enjolras POV*

I was shocked. Eponine Thenardier was kissing me, and I was kissing her back. What had come over me? I had never felt this way about anyone, but I knew now that I was madly in love with this girl.

Eponine drew back from the kiss and looked at her hands.

"Eponine?" I said softly.

"Did you really mean that?" She asked after a moment.

"Of course. I don't just say things like that for fun you know. I meant every word I just said even if it sounded in any way odd." I told her. Suddenly she started crying again, but only a few soft tears.

"What's wrong, Eponine?" I asked. I hope that I didn't offend her.

"I'm sorry, it's just not one has ever said anything like that to me before." She cried. I let her cry into my chest again as I pulled her into another hug.

"Well you'd better get used to it, because I will be saying it quite a lot. Every day if I must, just to prove how much I love you. I have never ever felt this way before in my life. I have never had someone to love. You're probably the first person I have ever said this to." I confessed.

"I would tell you how I feel, but I can barely breath, let alone put a sentence together." She said to me.

I decided to wait until she had calmed down a bit before I said or did anything else. We just sat on the bench with my arms wrapped around her shoulders.

"Enjolras?" She finally said.


"I feel the same way towards you. You're like the light peeking through the dark clouds that are my life. I know that sounds incredibly odd but this the best way to describe it." She said.

"It only sounds odd to me because no one has ever said that to me." I told her.

"Well I've never had the chance to say it to anyone." She said, mimicking my words from earlier. We sat on that stone bench for a long time in a comfortable silence. I had nothing more to say and I was quite content with sitting there in he darkness with my arms wrapped around the first and only girl I may ever love.

"It's getting late and you've had a very busy days, so perhaps we should start going to bed." I said after a minute or so. I could barely think right now, I was so tired. When I got no reply, I looked down and saw that Eponine had fallen asleep in my arms.

"What am I going to do with you?" I chuckled, picking her up and bringing her inside.

I couldn't bring her to her own room, as Madame Thenardier was sleeping there. Instead I brought her into one of the spare bedrooms down the hall. I could only imagine how happy Gavroche would be in the morning. He had been begging us to get together for weeks and now his request had been fulfilled.

I kissed the top of Eponines head before leaving the bedroom.

All I wanted to do was parade around the streets, shouting my love for Eponine Thenardier. I wanted the whole world to know how much I adored her. Part of me wanted to tell Madame Thenardier and Gavroche too, but I let them stay asleep.

I returned to my own room and immediately tripped over a small pile of books. The room was a mess. I wasn't in there enough to clean it up which meant that there was random books and papers all over the floor. I made a vow to clean it in the morning, before I climbed into bed.

Sleep refused to come as I stared at the wall in front of me. I never slept for the whole night, unfortunately. The most I would get is three hours of broken sleep.

Just when I thought that I would stay awake all night, the door opened slowly. I sat up and climbed out of the bed, just as Eponine came walking in.

"Eponine?" I said.

"I'm sorry. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep." She explained. I smiled and got out of the bed.

"You can sleep with me, if you like." I offered. Even in the darkness I could see her blush slightly.

"I couldn't. I mean, we're not married and it's not exactly socially acceptable for us to sleep in the same bed." She stammered. I stood in front of her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"What the rest of the world don't know won't hurt them. No one will walk in and scream bloody murder if we're found in the same bed." I said.

"I know, I just... I'm not sure."

"I won't force you. I can bring you back to a different room if you like-"

"No, I mean I would like to sleep here, but Montparnasse used to try and make me sleep with him, only I was too scared and I didn't think he really wanted to sleep. I was still quite  young and your offer brought back those bad memories." She said. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling a bit aren't I?"

"Don't worry about it. Montparnasse may have been cruel, but I'm not like him and I promise, I just want to sleep, nothing else. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"I know, you're right. You're not like him at all. And it's been a long day, so I think sharing your bed would be wonderful."

"Well, if you're sure..."

"Of course." She laughed. I brought her over to the bed, trying not to stand on anything important and waited for her to lie down first, before lying down myself.

Eponine looked into my eyes and smiled again, placing her hand on top of mine.

"Thank you again." She said sleepily.

"It's my pleasure."

She wrapped her arms around me and closed her eyes. We were both fast asleep within minutes.

Colour of Desire {Enjonine}Where stories live. Discover now