Chapter 34

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*Eponines POV*

"...and so concludes my thoughts on the modern day parasol." Madame Elowen finished. It was a warm, sunny day and I was sitting in the garden with Elowen, Musichetta, Cosette and a couple of other noble ladies who had come for the wedding, including Enjolras' mother. She had suggested we take afternoon tea in the garden, and we had no choice, seeing as it was already set up.

Elowen sat down again, as we gave a polite clap. I had completely forgotten the topic of conversation, until she had finished. I barely knew what a parasol was.

"Thank you, Elowen, for that invigorating speech." Madame said. "Now, I suggest we go for a walk of the gardens, to see the wedding preparations."

Everyone immediately agreed and we began to stand and straighten our ludicrous sun bonnets, before setting off through the expansive garden.

The wedding preparations were practically finished, but final touches were being made to absolutely everything. The after party was to be held in the gardens and over two hundred tables had been brought from all over the town and covered in a white table cloth.

While most of the madames chattered about the lace they had brought with them, I was pulled backwards by Cosette and Musichetta.

"What are you doing?" I asked them. They both covered my mouth, until we had rounded the corner and we're out of earshot of the gaggle of women.

"Sorry, but we couldn't stand them anymore." Musichetta said. "Now, come along. We're going to leave them and have a very good day by ourselves."

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"We're going back up to your bedroom. We decided to pack up your things so that we can leave in a hurry." Cosette explained.

"Why are we leaving? Why won't you tell me what's going on?" I asked again, thoroughly confused.

"We don't know all of the details. Joly told me today that we would be leaving tomorrow evening in a hurry and to have our belongings packed." Musichetta said.

"I hate being in the dark." I sighed.

"We all do. Now, hurry up, before they realise where we've gone."

We rushed back into the safety of the Manor house, which was just as busy as the gardens. Thankfully, the bed chambers were much quieter.

We went to the room I had originally been given when I arrived. All of my belongings were still present, as I hadn't moved them to Enjolras' room.

"Where are your things?" I asked.

"Oh, we asked if they could be dropped down to us in a minute." Cosette explained. I nodded and pulled out my large travelling case.

"Where are all of your clothes?" Cosette asked.

"They're in the dressing room, through that door." I said, pointing out a large wooden doorway, which Cosette entered.

As my two friends began to carefully fold my few dresses, I sat on the bed and flicked through a book. I was very distracted, and would have preferred to have been left alone, as much as I liked Musichetta and Cosette.

Their belongings were dropped up to my room after half an hour of packing. I folded a couple of Alinas tiny baby gowns and woolen blankets, placing them in a neat pile on my bed.

"Are you okay, Eponine? You seem very distracted." Musichetta said, coming over and sitting next to me.

"I'm fine." I said.

"You can tell me if anything is wrong." She continued.

"It's just...this time last year, we were all planning a revolution." I sighed. Musichetta gave my hand a comforting squeeze.

"I can see you need to be left alone." She said. "I'll get Cosette and we'll come back up in a few hours."

"You don't have to do that." I insisted.

"Eponine, dear, I can see when someone needs to be alone."

"Alright." I sighed. She gave me one of her happy little smiles and went to get Cosette. Once I was completely alone, I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

All of the wedding planning and everything that had happened in the last two weeks was making me incredibly stressed. Madame wanted me to wear three dresses in total, but I insisted on only having one. The after party was to have up to five lavish courses, each served with an expensive wine. The afternoon was to be spent with me shaking everyone's hands and learning off their names.

Grandpére had come three days ago, bringing so many stories about my Mama. He had seemed surprised that a peasant, like myself, was marrying one of the richest nobles alive. Enjolras hated that title, of course. He wanted to be known for helping the people,not for the amount of money he possessed.

I wanted the wedding over and done with, so that we could return home to our simple lives. I knew that Enjolras wanted that too. He hated his family and all of their rules. He had had multiple fights with his parents over absolutely everything. They refused to see that he was not the child he once was. They still thought that if they told him to do something, he would bow his head and go do it.

I stood up from the bed and walked over to the window and sat down again. I just couldn't concentrate. So much was happening around me and I just couldn't keep up. I felt like I was being forced to do a million things at the same time. I knew that it wouldn't last, that I would be gone from this place in two days, but that seemed much too long for me.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, watching the preparations from my window. I skipped supper completely, even refused a cup of tea from Francis when she came to check on me.

"Are you feeling alright, Madame?" She asked, collecting her tray of tea again later on in the evening.

"I'm fine. I'm just not hungry." I replied.

"You can tell me, if you want. I have no one to tell. I don't talk to the other residents." She said.

"Why not?"

"Well, they don't speak to me. You speak to me, so I talk to you, but there's no point in talking to someone who can't remember your name after ten years of service." Francis explained.

"I'm sorry. I had no idea that people could be so cruel." I said, sympathetically.

"You have no need to be sorry, Madame. You've done nothing wrong." She said, smiling sadly. "Well, I'd best go. Do you need anymore help?"

"No, not tonight." I sighed. She nodded and began to walk out of her room.

"Wait, Francis." I said, after a moments thought.

"Yes, Madame?"

"Can you please help me in the morning? I would love some extra help with my dress." I said.

"Of course, Madame. I would be very happy to help you." She said. She dismissed herself again, with a large smile on her face.

I sighed again and stared out of the window once more at the darkened garden, waiting for the morning to come, when I would see Gavroche and Grandpére and all of our friends again. And, at the top of the alter, my beloved Enjolras.

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