Chapter 37

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*Enjolras POV*

I  couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day. Eponines arm rested on mine, as if she couldn't bear to let it go. So many people came to say their congratulations, including some of the servants.

Everyone had started mingling in the garden, as glasses of wine were passed out among the crowd. I took a glass and sipped it, but Eponine refused.

"My love, are you alright?" I asked, as we walked around the guests.

"Yes, I am very happy." She smiled.

"Did you like the ceremony?"

"Of course. It was wonderful. But, why did you have all those candles at the alter?" She asked. I chuckled.

"Well, this day one year ago, I led my friends into a massacre. I want them to be remembered for their bravery, so I found the old register of names and placed one candle down for each man who died." I explained.

"That's so nice. How did you find that register though? I thought it was destroyed." She said.

"I actually found it in the pocket of my red jacket. The one I wore when the barricade fell." I replied.

"You kept it?"

"Of course. It's a reminder of what I fought for. A free land for all people of France." I said. "I also really liked the jacket."

She laughed at this. We continued to walk around the crowd of people, which became more difficult when the music began. Everyone started dancing happily around.

"Madame, in accordance with tradition, would you do me the honour of the next dance?" Pére asked Eponine. She looked a bit nervous, but agreed non the less.

"Enjolras, dear, who are you to dance with?" Mére asked, as Eponine was pulled off.

"Probably no one." I replied.

"Ah, but what about Eponines mother? It's traditional."

"Eponines mother has passed on, mére, and I will thank you not to bring it up. She was a lovely woman who had to deal with hardship for her entire life. I'm sure she is happy now, wherever she is." This shut her up for a while, thank goodness. When the song ended, Pére brought a smiling Eponine back to us.

"A wonderful dance, my dear." He said. Gavroche approached us next.

"Can I dance with Eponine?" He asked.

"Of course you may." She replied. He smiled happily and pulled her away again.

"She is a wonderful girl, Enjolras. I'm sure she will make you incredibly happy." Pére said, as we watched Eponine dance with her brother.

"She has already made me happy, Pére, ever since I met her." I sighed.

"I look forward to visiting you in Paris, my son." He said, before walking off again with mére. Eponine returned to me at last and we stood at the side of the dance floor for a while, talking to the occasional guest.

"Eponine, could you mind Alina for me?" Musichetta asked us. "I want to have at least one dance with Joly without her clutched to my arm."

"Of course. Take as long as you need." Eponine said, lifting the child into her arms. Alina was looking around in interest as the party in front of her.

"Isn't she lovely." Eponine cooed, resting the child on her hip. "Do you want to hold her?"

"I have to admit, I don't have much experience with children." I said uncertainly.

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