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*Eponines POV*

"Édouard, what have I told you about pestering your aunt?" I said, coming into the drawing room. My son and oldest child was sitting next to Eliza, Gavroches wife, asking her all sorts of questions.

"I was only asking her about Uncle Gav. He said he would come over today." He said.

"He wasn't pestering me, Eponine. I'm fine with him asking me a few questions." Eliza said. She was a pretty girl who had married Gavroche last year. She made him very happy, that much I could see.

"Well, I think you should go outside now. Your friends are playing in the garden with your sisters." I said.

"But mama, I don't want to talk to Sophie. She's always talking with Elaine." Édouardsaid.

"Alina will be along shortly with Joly. You'll just have to be patient." I said. He grumbled but walked out of the room again.

After the wedding, Enjolras and I had returned home. We hired a butler and a cook to work for us, and we even sent for Francis to come and be our maid. Édouard had been born a year later and now we also had three daughters, Elaine, Amelia and Helena, who was currently crawling on the floor with Jolys youngest son, Lawrence. I was very happy with my family and I loved my children with all my heart. Gavroche had first met Eliza five years ago. She was the youngest child out of seven. Her father was French and her mother was from England. Both were loyal to the king, but they disowned her when she married Gavroche, after discovering that he was a part of the revolution sixteen years ago.

"Hello? Where is everyone?" I heard someone call. I heard Amelia run inside from the garden. A moment later, Enjolras appeared in the room, carrying the five year old in his arms.

"Papa's home." She said happily. I chuckled as I came over to them.

"Yes darling, I noticed." I said, giving him a light kiss in welcome.

"Eww!" Amelia cried. I laughed again with my husband at her antics.

"I'm sorry, munchkin, but I haven't seen your mother all day and I wanted to greet her properly. Is that okay with you?" Enjolras asked.

"No!" Was the reply.

"Where are the other rascals? I thought that you had four of them." Gavroche said, poking his head through the door.

"Now Gav, you'll be a father very soon. I'm sure Eliza won't want you calling your child names." I said, giving my brother a hug.

"I don't mind what he calls them, as long as it's nothing silly." Eliza said. The children came running in again from the garden at  the sound of their uncles voice.

"Uncle Gav! I thought you'd never arrive." Elaine said.

"Can I see your gun? You promised you'd show me." Édouard asked.


"Gavroche! Why do you have a gun? I've told you not to carry it around." I scolded.

"I couldn't help it. Sparks of revolution are in the air again. They have barricades up all around the city." Gavroche cried.

"You can't go out there, it's dangerous. We can't have you involved in that all over again." I said.

"Enjolras, tell her I'll be fine. I survived once, didn't I?"

"I think your sister's right this time, Gav. You have a wife now and a child on the way. You can't abandon them in times like this." Enjolras said.

"I don't want to talk about this in front of the children." I said, picking Helena up off the floor. "Elaine, could you please take Lawrence?"

"Yes mama." She said.

"Marie, your parents will be here shortly. Make sure you're ready." I said. Francis came into the room with a tray of tea.

"Excuse me, madame, but Monsiour Joly is here to collect his children." She said.

"Thank you, Francis." Enjolras said. He set Amelia on her feet again and walked outside to meet his friend.

"Excuse us for a moment." I said, following his out with Elaine, Lawrence and Marie.

"Papa!" Marie said, running into her fathers arms.

"Hello, dearest. Are you ready to go?" He asked, taking his son from my daughters arms.

"Will you stay for tea?" I asked.

"Not today, I'm afraid." He replied. "Chetta is in the carriage with Alina. I have good news though."

"What is it?" Enjolras asked.

"Cosette just delivered baby Pontmercy. A little boy whom they called Georges, after Marius' father."

"Really? How wonderful! That's great news." I said happily.

"It is. Cosette is a bit ill though. It was a very hard delivery. I don't think they'll have another child after this." Joly said.

"Will she be okay?" Enjolras asked.

"I'd say so. I should probably go. Thank you for minding these two."

"It's our pleasure Joly." I said. We watched from the door as he went into his carriage again and disappeared into the evening.

"Where's Elaine?" Enjolras asked.

"She probably went back to the others." I said. Somewhere in the distance, I heard gun fire. Another revolution had begun again, but it seemed to be lasting many months. I hugged Helena close to my chest and leaned into Enjolras.

"Somewhere out there, another insurgent joined our friends." Enjolras said.

"And I'm sure they welcomed him with open arms." I added.

One day this fighting would stop and our children would be able to live a happy life, without the grief and torment that came with a war. They would be happy and free when a new dawn finally broke, washing away the tears and blood of the martyrs who had freed us all from the chains of the king. They would live and grow old and fall in love. They would know happiness and not have to live a life like those before us. We just had to wait for the darkness to be over.

Will  you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? 

Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see?

Do you hear the people sing? Say do you hear the distant drums?

It is the future that they bring when tomorrow comes!

The End

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