Chapter 17

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*Enjolras POV*

"Get the cups! They're made of metal!"Someone was calling. I was nervously pacing the floor waiting for Eponine to come back.

"Enjolras! Don't fret. You'll be fine." Grantaire said, making his way towards me.

"Enjolras!" Someone cried. Eponine was running towards me, tears pouring down her cheeks.

"What? What happened Eponine?"I asked as she fell into my arms.

"It's Cosette! She's gone! She's moved away. And Marius is willing to die because she's not here!" She cried.

"Shh, shh. It's okay." I said, rubbing her hair. "Let's just go outside and get some fresh air."

She nodded and walked down the stairs, wiping her eyes. Suddenly Marius ran past us and into the café.

"Marius no!" Eponine yelled.

"I'm sorry 'Ponine. I don't know what else I can do." He said, before running upstairs.

"Come on. Let's find a more quiet place to go." I suggested. I walked her towards the river where no one was standing.

"Now tell me what's wrong." I said. She sniffed and gazed out at the water.

"Marius and I walked to Cosettes house and he snuck through the fence. Cosette was sitting in the garden reading a book when she caught sight of him. I don't really remember everything but suddenly Papa and the Patron- Minette turned up. They were trying to break into the house." She said.

"What happened? Did they hurt you?"I asked.

"No. I managed to scream and they fled for the sewers. Unfortunately, Marius left and soon after, Cosette appeared and told me to give this letter to Marius. And then she left." She said, starting to cry again. "And now Marius is going off to war, where he is willingto die because I was unable to give him this letter."

"Look, all if this is beyond your control. We will sort this all out, I promise." I said.

"But how Enjolras. Tomorrow, we could all die, including Marius. I can't let that happen." Eponine said.

"And it won't happen. We can keep Marius safe, just until he finds out the truth." I said.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"It's fine." I said. We stayed sitting there, gazing at the water in silence.

"I have something for you." Eponine said.

"You do?"

"Yes. It's not much, but I found it and decided to give it to you."She said, bringing out a medium sized wooden box.

"What is it?" I asked. She handed the box to me. It was relatively heavy but it wasn't too bad.

"Open it up silly. How else will you know what's inside?" She laughed.

"Alright, I'm opening it." I said. I lifted the lid of the box and removed the long, purple piece of velvet to reveal a shiny, new gun. It had a dark, mahogany handle and silver engravings all over the side. It was beautiful and must have cost a small fortune.

"Do you like it?" Eponine asked.

"Of course I do. It- it's beautiful." I said giving her a soft kiss.

"I got the small one so that it's easier to conceal tomorrow." She explained.

"It's perfect." I said, taking a deep breath. "And now it's my turn to give something to you."

"Really? You didn't have to." She said.

"I know. But I wanted to. I just didn't know when I should give it to you." I explained, taking the small box out of my pocket.

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