Chapter 28

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*Eponines POV*

I awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of someone pounding on my bedroom door. It was strange being alone in such a large bed. Enjolras was somewhere else entirely, in his old childhood room and Gavroche had been put in the nursery.

The pounding continued until finally I got up and opened the door. One of the houses many maids was standing there, a fearful look in her eyes.

"Madame Eponine, I'm sorry for disturbing you at such an hour." She stuttered.

"No, it's fine. What happened?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"It's Monsiour Enjolras, Madame. I was passing his room and I heard him crying out. He was shouting your name, Madame." She said.

"Where is he? Where is him room?" I asked, stepping into the hallway.

"Follow me, Madame. I will take you to him." She said. We raced along throne deserted corridors, with only a small candle for light, casting eerie shadows across the hard wooden floors. At last I heard the familiar cries of my fiancée.

"He's in here, Madame." The maid said, she opened the door for me and raced back down the corridor. I crept into the darkened room to where Enjolras was tossing and turning in the bed, just as he always did when he suffered from a nightmare.

I sat carefully on the bed and waited until he had calmed down slightly. Any sudden movements on my behalf could seriously spook him and I didn't want that to happen. I wake him up, when suddenly his mother rushed into the room.

"Oh, my darling child!" She cried, pushing me out of the way.

"Madame, no! Please stop, you could spook him!" I cried.

"Francis, go and get Madame Elowen." Madame continued, ignoring my protests.

"No, just leave him. Madame, you're going to seriously spook him if you don't stop." I cried. "And get his friend, Monsiour Joly-"

"I'm right here, Eponine." Joly said, standing sleepily in the doorway.

"It's fine, we have his friend, Madame Elowen coming." Madame said.

"If you don't mind, Mademoiselle, Eponine really should be the one to wake him." Joly said, pushing me towards the bed. I sat down again and carefully shook his shoulder.

"Enjolras." I said softly. "Come on, Enjolras, wake up."

He sat up suddenly, gasping and drenched in sweat. When he caught sight of me, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close to his chest. I saw his mother take a step forward, but she was stopped by Jolys arm.

"It's okay, darling. It was just a nightmare." I whispered.

"I thought I'd lost you again." I heard him say.

"Hush, you didn't lose me, I'm right here, just as I always will be." I said.

"Can someone please explain what's going on here?" Elowen said, walking into the room at long last. Enjolras let go of me, but held on to my hand.

"Enjolras suffers from night terrors, Madame, from his time at the barricades. We all do, except Eponine. Every few days he dreams of his friends or Eponine being killed in front of him." Joly explained, casting a nervous glance in my direction.

"And why haven't I been made aware of this? I am his mother, after all." Madame hissed.

"I thought that there was no need to tell you. And besides, you never asked." Enjolras replied. Madame was fuming, but managed to hide most of her anger.

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