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I stared back at Daryl as he glared at me. He was so close I could feel his breath, and our noses almost touched. I was hurt and in plain shock because of his words.

For Daryl to say that to me I knew he had to be genuinely mad or upset. I searched his face to try and find some other emotion other then anger, but didn't. He was truly pissed.

I finally took a few steps back, and opened my mouth to say something but no words ever came out. I tried not to show I was hurt by replacing my sadness with anger. I shoved passed him, and walked up the steps and onto the porch. I opened the door and didn't look back at him.

"I wouldn't have come back if I knew you all became assholes while I was gone." I said loud enough so he could hear me.

I stepped into the house and slammed the door shut and locked it. I didn't want anything to do with anyone anymore. I was so tired and drained from trying to make things right. It wasn't working.

I sat on my couch, and sighed loudly. Who knew stepping outside of my house for maybe not even thirty minutes could be so eventful.

I sat there with only my thoughts again. I thought I missed being bored and having peace and quiet. Now I missed hearing Negan's  loud voice always yelling, and his sarcastic laugh. I would kill to hear his voice. Or to hear him call me Kit-Kat...as weird as it is.

I know. Why would  I ever come back?  Because I thought it was the right thing to do. If I said no to being able to go back to my family I would be a terrible person. I shouldn't complain. I chose to be here. Now I can't go back.

I closed my eyes, leaning my head against the back of the couch. And then a thought popped into my head. A very stupid and crazy thought.

Could I go back? Is there anyway I could get away with going back? I could run for it. I mean, no one will ever know I am even gone...no one would care anyway.

My eyes popped open as  I thought of it. I knew my way there and I could cut through the woods and get to the compound...then what?

"Once you step out of this truck there is no going back." I remember Negan saying the night he bought me back.

He would kill me if I snuck out and went to the compound. Would he? Thinking back to all of the crap I did to disobey him while I was there and he never killed me...I don't have much to live for here though.

It was stupid, and I will be hated for this decision. This could be a hit or a miss but I'm going to go back to Negan.


NLJSJDSALK I'M SOO HAPPY TO BE BACK!!!! And guys...after two hours of chapter one being published we got this book ranked to #89 in Fan Fiction. Thank you all for the good feedback so far! Thankies!

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