(since it's been a hot minute since I've published anything, to remind you what's happening ; Kit was taken back to Negan's base where she was after deciding to stay with him. Now she persuaded him to let her go with him while he checked on one of his other bases that's far away.)
Negan's POV
"But, sir, Don't you think Kit is best to-" Dwight ran his mouth as he walked beside me
"Fuck off, Dwight. Why do you care, huh?" I snapped, continuing to walk.
"Well, if you ask me-"
"K, well, maybe my memory is gone bad because I'm old, but I don't recall asking you."
"Negan, please, I just want to say-"
"What the fuck is it that you want to say so fucking badly?" I stopped walking to face him."
"Look...all I'm trying to say is, it's not a safe place for her there... or for you-" He said in a low voice.
"Ex-fucking-cuse me?" I snapped, feeling offended by this wet rat.
"No, listen. Word has traveled about what's gone on here... ya' know? About your wives, Mike? About Kit...about 'you goin soft'."
He should know not to say that. Pisses me off more than Kit's sass when people say I'm going soft. I do have to admit that of course I would never hurt Kit, while with anyone else I would bash their face in. That's not soft though.
"Shut the fuck up, Dwight." I started to make my way down the hall again.
"Negan!" He yelled, still standing where we were. I slowly turned to face where he was standing, trying not to throw a rock at his face. "They are going to kill you. Or at least that's the word that's gotten here. And what happens to Kit after that... They sure as hell won't let a pretty piece of meat like her go to waste."
I stomped quickly back over to him, grabbing him by the shirt, and pinned him to the wall. "Who in the fucking hell is saying that?!" I yelled in his face, my knuckles turning white.
He struggled to make words. "I- I don't know, I overheard men on watch talking about it...They said it was Roudy at base 1. That's all I know..."
Roudy... I could see that fag saying shit like that. Roudy is a young guy, maybe in his 20's. I had put him in charge of base one a while back. He's a good kid, he likes to take charge... too often. I have had to put him in his place a few time, but that kid is a frootloop. I shouldn't have a problem with him... unless there are other men planning this as well. That won't be pretty to watch.
I let go of him, not stepping back, still close. "If you fucking hear a single peep about that shit, or anything else, you come fucking right to me. Got it?" I said.
He nodded, not saying anything.
I started to walk down the hall again, not hearing him follow me. "Get ten other men by the time we leave ready to go. Along with yourself." I said, leaving the hallway.
I didn't want Kit to come even more now. She'll get her ass in trouble there, I know that for a fact. And not just because she's a pretty lady, or just because she like to have the last fucking word. Just because she has a vagina. Men will be all over her. She could have a second head and she'd still get the men's eyes there. I have no women on this base; they were all killed or raped and then killed.
The slightest thought of something happening to my Kitrina... I don't know how many people I'd kill.
I went to find her. There was no way in fuck I would tell her about this. Just hug the shit out of her, hoping I don't brake her or something.
Yes, I'm alive. Yes, I read ever single comment. Yes, I still love you all.

Redemption {Negan FanFic}
Fanfiction~Sequel to Salvation~ She ran away thinking home was somewhere else. She ran away knowing she loved him. She ran away feeling a connection lost. He watched her scream and cry for freedom. He watched her leave out of anger at himself for watching her...