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"Can't you just tell me what you're going to fucking do to me already?" I snapped.

"And I'm going to. Just listen to me first -" Negan started to say but I cut him off.

"No! I want to know now!" I yelled. "I have been through hell, and risked my life running through the woods, cutting open my goddamn leg, and getting drug around. I am not going to deal with shit-"

"Kit-" he tried to speak.

"No! I want to speak. I have something I have been holding in...and I am so fed up with biting my tongue-"

But, can you guess what cut me off? Negan speaking? No. His lips? Yes.

I was caught off guard when he stood up from where he sat on the bed, quickly walking over to me, grabbing my shoulders and roughly putting his lips to mine. I was frozen by the sudden action. I literally didn't move. What was I suppose to do? I didn't know if it was okay to kiss him back; I didn't know if it was appropriate or not. But slowly, I shut my eyes, kissing him back, taking it all in. Never did I think this would be happening again.

He breathed in the kiss deeply, kissing me almost in a desperate and hungry manner. He left my lips slowly, and I almost didn't want him to. He then pecked kisses on my face.

"Why...why did you do that?" I whispered.

"Because you never shut the fuck up." He said in a low grumbled. "And watching your mouth move like that just makes me want to kiss you so fucking much."

I felt my heartbeat go crazy. Honestly I was scared. I don't know why I felt so much fear. I am pretty sure it was just his tone of voice. When Negan isn't smiling and being sarcastic, that meant something. At that moment I didn't know what that something was.

I swallowed hard, not being able to look him in the eyes. "I'm scared." I whispered bluntly.

"...of what?"

"Of what you're going to do." I said, slowly finding the courage to find his eyes. "Of just the hole situation. The future."

He let go of my shoulders, backing up a little bit. "I can't trust you...you left- and shit, you shouldn't have come back because I can't promise you that you're safe." He shrugged. "For now, you're going to that lovely little room you enjoyed so much when I first brought you here."

...and there's that Negan again.

"What? You're joking."

"No. I am not." He said, starting to go to the door. "Don't always expect things to be so easy. You aren't just fucking coming here and everything gunna be all rainbows and shits and giggles."

"I came all the way here to show you I am loyal and you're going to lock me in a room?" I crossed my arms in anger.

"Loyal?!" He laughed. "Fuck. You're mistaken honey. You don't know what loyalty is."

"Says the man who has eight wives!" I yelled.

He spun on his heals to face me. "Watch it, mouth." He said, pointing at me.

I rolled my eyes, shoving past him and out the door, walking down the hallway.

"Where you going?" He snapped.

"To My lovely little room I love so much!" I yelled from down the hall, mocking him.

I looked back to see he went back into his room, slamming the door.

And I went back to my room.


For the people who "literally scream" when they see me update.

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