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"who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars?  Who cares when someone's time runs out if a moment is all we are?" One more light by Linkin Park (beautiful song. RIP Chester Bennington)

I looked at Eugene who was trembling, and was blubbering like crazy. I sighed and looked back at Negan. “Can I talk to him?” I asked him.

    Negan shook his head. “Not a good idea.” He said, tapping Lucille on the metal chair that Eugene was sitting in.

    “Negan, Please. Just for a moment. It’s been a while, ya’ know? I just want to see what’s up.” I said.

    Honetly, I was just wondering why he was here, and what set Negan off to make him want to take someone away. I hadn’t even known he left the building, let alone to Alexandria, Hilltop, wherever he was at. I knew if I only asked Negan and got what he thinks what happened, I wouldn’t be getting the raw details. It’d be Negan sugar coated.

    Negan sighed, putting Lucille on his shoulder and started to stroll away. “You got five.” He said as he finally walked out of the large room.

    I tried to stay calm with him, he looked like he was about to burst. So, I simply smiled at him, and sat down in a chair I pulled over in front of him, and looked at him. “Hi-” I started but was cut off.

    “I swear, I hadn’t done anythin’. I was simply a bystander. Negan was comin’ to-” He started to whale like a baby, stumbling over his words.

    “Eugene!” I yelled to get him to stop. He did, shutting his mouth quickly. I took a deep breath. “You’re not going to be hurt. Now, just tell me what happened. That’s all I’m asking. Negan won’t tell me the full story. You tell me the truth, and you’ll enjoy your stay here. Just help me out. Okay?’

    He nodded, and started to babble again, going so fast with his words I couldn’t keep up. “Rositafoundagunandhadaskedmetomakeherabullet,buti”

    “Slower. Take it down like twenty notches, bud. Calm down.” I said.

    He took a few deep breaths, and nodded. “Rosita had gotten a gun in her possession, and I, and the group genius, she came to me to make her a bullet. And I did so. And when Negan showed up, She missed, and hit Negan’s bat… and he killed…” he started to cry again.

    I rolled my eyes and shook him. “Who did he kill, Eugene?” I snapped.

    He just shook his head. “No one you’d know.” He sniffled. “It was chaos. He took me instead of Rosita. And I feel horrible-”

    I didn’t want to hear that. I didn’t personally care. I stood up, getting ready to leave. “Thank you, Eugene.” I sighed, saying nothing else, and made my way out the door to find Negan.

    He was waiting right in the hallway by the door. I walked over to him, crossing my arms, and looking down, thinking for a moment. He put an arm around me, pulling me into him, and rubbed my arm up and down, but I ignored it.

    “So,” He said, and kissed the top of my head. “What have we learned, hm?” He said.

    “I think I want to visit them.” I said, ignoring the question, looking up at him.

    He raised his eyebrows at me, and let go of me, taking a step back. “I do not think I am hearing you correctly.” He scoffed. “Remember, back in the day, when you ran away in the pouring rain, in the dark, like a badass, for hours to get here? And when you went back to ‘visit’ them, they hated your guts, and my boy Daryl told you not to come back? Yeah, don’t mean to be a downer, but I don’t think much has changed.” He said with sarcasm, and a snicker at the end.

    I shoved him a little. “I want to see how you’re running things there. I heard that things got a little out of hand-”

    He shoved Lucille in my face, causing me to back up. He pointed to a small bullet hole in it. “Got out of hand? One of those fuckers shot a fucking homemade bullet at me. If Lucille wasn’t there, hell I’d be dead. This one was on those people, not me. For once.” He said, looking at me, running his hand over his beard once and chuckled. “You know what? Fine, fine. I’ll take you tomorrow. Gotta give my woman what she wants, right?” He said, laughing.

    He started to whistle, and turned on his heels, and began to walk the other way. I stood there, and put my hands over my face, taking a deep breath.


    I had gotten Eugene a room, and made sure he has what he needed, He requested pickles though, so now I was on a hunt for pickles around the compound. I found them luckily. Eugene didn’t do anything, really, and I wanted to make sure he was safe. He’s fragile. And a pussy.

    The next morning, Negan woke me up to go. He was strangely in a very good mood that morning. I had a very bad feeling in my gut. Today did not feel like a good day. Ya’ know, sometimes the universe just sends off a vibe? I was getting that vibe. The whole ride there Negan whistled and hummed a tune.

    “What’s got you in such a good mood?” I mumbled, picking at my fingernails while we sped down the road.

    “Oh, nothing, sweetheart. I just love when I get to prove someone wrong.” He smiled.

    I raised an eyebrow at him. “Prove someone wrong?” I scoffed. “Who are you proving wrong?” I asked, sitting up and looking at him.

    “You, of course.” He sighed. “Showing you what animals your people really are, and what saint I am.”

    I shook my head, I’m calling bs on that. But, I said nothing, and let him think whatever he wanted to think. I wasn’t going to do anything about it.

    We finally got there, Rosita opening up the gates and letting us in. It was just Negan and I. None of this other men had come along with us this time. I had a feeling this was going to be awkward. Rick, and Carl, and Aaron, and other people had gathered to greet us. When I got out of the truck, Rick looked at me with his arms crossed. I just slightly waved at him.

    “Welcome.” He said with a little sarcasm. He walked over to me, grabbing my shoulder tightly, and tried to smile a little bit. “How’ve you been stranger?”

    I felt my throat tighten a little. I forced a little smile, laughing a little awkwardly. “Aha, I-I’ve been going… Should I ask-”

    “We’ve been going.” He said before I could even finish.

    I nodded. I looked around, the streets looked clear, everyone looked cleaned and fairly fed. No one looked too bad, under the conditions. I felt a little bit jealous almost. The worst things popped into my head, that this wasn’t my home or my people, and I was the enemy here.

Guys I don't want to sound stupid, but I was in class while typing this and listening to that lp song, and it hit me. This is the second to last chapter of this book and then I'm done. Forever, Kit and Negan's story will be over. A tear literally rolled down my cheek in seventh hour when I was writing this. I'm so proud and excited and crushed all at the same time. I love you. Please vote, comment and follow. Thankies.

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