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"Get out." Negan sighed as he started to get out of the truck.

"No." I said sternly.

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Get out of the fucking truck!" He bursted.

"No!" I yelled again.

I don't know where I was getting this sudden amount of courage to be telling Negan no, but I just couldn't bring myself to face them. As much as it made me look pathetic and like a coward, I just couldn't.

Negan slammed the door shut, walking to the other side where I was at. When he opened the door to my side I flinched. He reached over and unbuckled my seatbelt. He then held tight to my arm, pulling me closer to him.

"You're going to fucking tell them everything." He whispered deeply into my ear, his breath hitting me giving me a chill. "Wouldn't want to make me look like the bad guy? Right?" He chuckled before pulling away.

I just looked at him. He then pulled on my arm lightly, holding my hand, helping me out of the truck. I went to pull away so I could do it myself but he tightened the grip on me; his knuckles were turning white.

His other men got out of the trucks, with their intimidating guns. They walked behind Negan and I as we approached where Rick was standing with a few other people. I felt my stomach drop when I saw him. I saw his mouth drop when he saw me as well. I quickly looked the other way. It's awful I couldn't look them in the eye.

"Now, now...look what I found!" He said, raising my arm in the air. I ripped my arm away out of his grip, earning a glare from Negan. "You all missing this? Little thing wound up on my doorstep...now isn't that funny." He laughed. "And you know what was even funnier? Sh-she said you all weren't treating her right!" He started to crack up.

"Negan, stop-" I said but he wasn't listening.

"...and when someone doesn't treat my things with respect, we have some problems." He got more stern. "But first, before anyone jumps to conclusions...kit here will explain to you what happened. Right, babe?" He smiled at me full of sarcasm.

I felt my face get hot when he said that and my heart stop and fall through my ass. I could not speak to them. Let alone all of them. There was no way I could say I ran away to Negan...they all hate me anyway.

I brought myself to look up at all of them. Some looked confused, Rick looked completely sickened and hurt, Daryl had a blank expression. I took and a deep breath and slowly let it out as I tried to get my thoughts together.

"I- I, uh..." I said quietly, stuttering as I tried to explain.

"Come in sweetheart. Spit it out." Negan said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged it off, ignoring him

"I ran away...to Negan. He didn't take me... I wanted to go back to him." I said so quietly I'm surprised if anyone could hear me.

I'm getting they did because everyone looked at me with confused expressions. I looked at them with scared eyes. Of course at the moment it was only Rick, Rosita and Daryl who happened to be there. Along with a few other people. Rick put his hands on his hips, looking extremely confused.

"Kit...what?" He said in a hushed tone.

"Yep! You heard the young lady right, Ricky." Negan laughed.

Daryl glared at me, along with Rosita. I felt like everyone needed to be there. I wanted to sit down and explain it all to them. Right now, with things unexplained I seem like a complete trader...either way I'm the bad guy now.

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