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I walked quickly, slightly shoving past Negan as I left the church to go grab my things. I was genuinely concerned about Daryl's last words. Negan quickly caught up to walk beside me. I felt him looking at me as I looked ahead and didn't say anything

"So, how was the service?" He smiled with sarcasm, looking back to the church.

I shoved him as hard as I could, not making him budge at all. I stopped walking, causing him to stop in front of me. "You know what, stop for a moment. Stop the smart remarks, stop smiling for a moment, stop always being up my ass! Just....Let me deal for a moment." I snapped at him.

But, sadly, his smirk didn't go away. He scoffed, licking his lips. "Didn't go well?"

I felt my face get hot with anger, and I took a deep breath. "No... Negan. It didn't go well." I said through clenched teeth.

He put his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it slightly. "Oh come on, Kit-kat. You know this is for the best. You made this decision. And it's right. So what they're pissed? Because they're jealous." He said, kissing my head before grabbing my hand and started to drag me behind him. "Let's grab your shit and be done here. Yeah?"

I just continued to follow him in response. To be quite honest I was still thinking about what Daryl said to me, his words running around in my mind.

This situation as brought me all sorts of anxiety and stress. I mean, we're in the friggin apocalypse and we're all worried about living situations and who goes with who. The last thing on my list of concerns should be what's going on. I want to be killing some Walkers or something. Not being dragged around by Negan. This situation is ridiculous all together.

We got to where I was living, and Negan let go of my arm, letting me go in first. I walked inside, immediately going upstairs to grab some things I'd need. I took a moment to look at the room before I grabbed a bag, knowing I'd never be in here again. I'm weird like that. I get sentimental about literally everything. That's just how I am...Strange I know. I stuffed the bag with my clothes and a few other things I'd need knowing Negan didn't have. It wasn't until I turned around to leave the room that I noticed Negan was standing in the doorway watching me. I stopped and looked at him, waiting for him to say something.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Ready to stop being a creep and watching me?" I said with sarcasm back.

He scoffed. "Ready to get a smack in the ass for that smart remark?"

"No, but I'm definitely ready to smack that prickly, unshaved face of yours." I said, shoving past him.

"Yeah, I could say the same thing about your legs." He mumbled behind me.

"Asshole." I snapped back.

All he did was laugh. "Atta's girl." He said, patting me on the back.

We started to walk to the gates. Rick and a few others were already standing by the gates as well. Negan's men were all ready to go. It was literally all eyes on Negan and I as we walked to the truck. Talk about embarrassment.

We got into the truck with saying nothing else, I looked to Negan who had a wide grin on his face.

"Something funny?" I asked.

He shook his head, starting up the truck. "I just love getting what I want."

With that being said, he started to go into reverse. I looked at Rick as we backed out and left.

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