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"You're an asshole." I said, closing my eyes as I laid on Negan's lap. We sat in the bed of the truck while they figured out what to do. "Shouldn't you be helping them figure out what to do?"

He snapped his fingers in my face. "Come on, eyes open. If you close them you might not open them again." He said, leaning back. "No, that's not my job. It' exercising their little brains to figure this out."

I chuckled. "You think of everyone as a child, don't you?"

He shook his head. "No... Just stupider than me." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes, sitting up beside him, leaning on the side of the truck. "You know that saying, 'live every day like it's your last'? Maybe you should consider that." I mumbled.

"Oh, kitty, I do- by treating people like shit." He laughed.

"I mean, like treating people you care about better... they could be gone at any second." I said.

He let out a loud laugh. "I don't care about any of these dumb fucks. Did I not just demonstrate that by smashing one of their skulls on the road?"

"So? I mean like... I dunno, like Dwight-"

"Dwight?! What in the holy vagina of mother of Marry are you talking about?-" He was laughing so hard he was almost crying.

"Negan, shut up." I hit him in the arm. "You and everyone knows he's your favorite. He does a lot for you, you know that. We all know you have a special spot for him-"

"Only because I used to fuck his girlfriend before I killed her- Jesus." He continued laughing while I just looked at him with wide eyes. "Me caring about Dwight... more funny than an Asian's eye popping out of his head while he's being beaten to death."

I ignored that last comment, not understanding, and went back to the first. "You- one of your wives was Dwight's girlfriend?" I whispered.

He started to loose his laugh as he looked at me, realizing I wasn't laughing. "Yeah... I mean, she was a good fuck, but ya' know, she was getting in the way, you know how the-"

"You killed his girlfriend... because of me...Negan, you fucking idiot, why the hell do you think he wants to kill me?!" I yelled at him.

He stood up, wrapping a hand around my chin, holding my head still with a firm grip, looking me dead in the eye. "I thought we have fucking discussed this... don't. fucking. Talk to me like that. Ever!" He yelled, spitting in my face a little, making me flinch. "So what if I did... I did it for fucking you! You want to complain some more?"

I looked around, seeing all his men looking at us.  A few were smiling. I don't know why Negan was being so sensitive about that...

He let go, throwing my head back slightly. "I did it for you..." I walked away. "Nothing can make you fucking happy. God damn." He grumbled.

I sat there in a little bit of shock at his outburst... He really was a psycho.

"What the fuck are you cunts looking at, for Christ sakes!" He yelled.

I shook my head, putting my head in my hand. What the hell.


It took a while for them to find a road around, but they got it. The bad thing was it was getting dark since we spent so much time sitting on the side of the road. We only got to drive for a little bit before we had to pull over again because it would take longer since we had to backtrack so far.

We slept in the cars, Negan and I just put back our seats. Negan laid on his back with his hands behind his head, looking blankly at the roof of the car. I had been rolled over to my side, trying to sleep, but I was wide awake. I had a feeling he was too. I rolled over to my other side facing Negan, looking at him for a while.

He turned his head when he realized I was looking and scoffed. "Go the fuck to sleep."

I shook my head. "Can't."

"What? Not classy enough for you? I think these seats are pretty fucking comfy." He shifted, grunting a little. "Isn't no Motel 6 but, ya' know."

I laughed a little, letting it go quiet again. The only sound there was the wind, and men killing walkers outside. So romantic.

I sighed. "I hate you."

He smiled at me. "I love you too Kit-Kat..." He said.

I laughed and shook my head. "Is that what I have to say to get you to say it."

He shrugged. "Oh, come on, You fucking know it. He let out a long sigh. "You know I love you." He said quietly.

I smiled and blushed a little.

He sigh, opening his arms. "Alright, come here." He said.

I looked at him confused. "What?"

"Come fucking here..." He said again in a 'duh' tone.

I thought about it for a moment before crawling over, straddling his lap, and laying on him. He shifted and grunted to get comfortable, laying one hand on my head, and the other slightly rubbing my back. He whistled for a little bit...it got annoying.

I lifted my head to look at him. "...Stop."

He looked at me, continuing to whistle the same tune.

I kissed his lips once, which made him stop whistling for a moment.

"...we could fuck." He smiled.

"...Negan." I scolded.

"Let me rephrase that. We should fuck." He snapped.

I shook my head. "Knock it off."

"...I'll try again- we are going to fuck." He said, shifting a little.

I sat up on his lap. "Hey, guess what, genius. We're in the apocalypse. We aren't screwing in a car."

He pushed his hands on  my back, shoving me to lay back down. "God, I wish you were more fucking fun." He grumbled. "I will destroy you when we get there though."

I rolled my eyes before closing them .


I am gunna write some smuts soon kiddies :) and I am also thinking endings too. Not that I'm ending it soon, I just like to have good chapters that will match up with the ending.  So please vote, comment, and follow! Thankies!

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