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I hurried in the shower. I was shocked Negan even offered me a shower. I was glad he did because honestly I felt like shit.

I went to wash my body, reaching where the bandage was and got more careful. So, I raised one of my legs to wash it and just like me...I fell. I landed right on my ass, shutting my eyes in pain.

"Ah, fuck..." I said to myself.

I saw my bandage come lose. Showing some blood. I rolled my eyes, seriously over dealing with bullshit today.

I heard a lock on the door. "The fuck you doing in there?" Negan yelled from the other side.

"I...I fell!" I yelled back, feeling embarrassed.

"You good?" He asked.

I grabbed the side of the tub, trying to push myself up but I couldn't use the leg that was wounded. It hurt too badly.

Great. The last thing I want to do is ask Negan for help while I'm in the shower.

"...no." I said.

"I'm coming in." He said bluntly.

"Don't look!" I screamed.

He opened the door, acting as casual as could be. As if seeing me naked was nothing. I screamed and tried to cover myself.

"Negan! The fuck!" I yelled.

"What do you want me to do! Help you with my eyes shut!"

"Yes! Of course! I don't want you to see me naked!" I yelled back in defense.

He rolled his eyes, looking away. "Fucking women, I swear to god." Me mumbled to himself as he reached for a towel.

"Don't assume my gender." I snapped back, just to piss him off.

He stopped and looked at me. "I am literally looking at your tits as we speak." He said in a duh tone.

"Well stop!" I screamed again.

"Jesus Christ!" He said to himself again, throwing a towel at me.

I quickly wrapped it around me as best I could so he couldn't see me.

"You descent, princess?" He asked with sarcasm.

"Yes." I said, crossing my arms.

He turned around, scanning my body quickly. He reached over and turned the water off. He leaned down beside me, putting his rough hands on my body. I got a chill when he did so; tensing at his touch.

"Im'a pick you up. Alright?" He said.

I hesitated before nodding. He carefully picked me up bridal style, very carefully and slowly. He took me out of the tub, setting me to my feet, keeping his arms around me as I leaned in him.

"Okay..." he sighed, looking away from me. "Lean on the sink. I'll be back." He grumbled.

I did as he said. He came back with clothes in his hands. He threw them over at me from the doorway. I looked to see it was a t-shirt that was way too big for me and fabric shorts. I looked at him in confusion.

"Just until I can get you some more...feminine clothes. You're only sleeping anyway; this isn't a fashion show." He snapped.

I nodded, not saying anything. He stood there, not saying anything for a while.

"What?" I asked him.

"...what do you mean what?" He asked confused.

"...you're staring at me...can I get dressed?" I asked him kind of with an attitude.

"Yea..." he started to walk away but stopped and turned around. "But...wait just a minute." He said and continued to look at me, a smile creeping on his face.

"Negan, what..." I said, starting to get annoyed.

"Nothing it's just... fucking damn..." he laughed.

I raised my eyebrows at him. Genuinely confused.

He smiled, shaking his head and walking away. "Hurry up." He said, walking out.

I stood there in confusion for a long moment, and finally shook it off.

I carefully took the towel off, starting to slip on the clothing. The t-shirt and pants smelt clean. The t-shirt smelt like Negan, so I assumed it was his. I hand dried my hair a little before walking out of the bathroom to see Negan.

"Now then," he said, clapping his hands once. "For our chat."

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