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"Whether near or far, I am always yours. Any change in time, we are young again. Lay us down. We're in love. In these coming years, many things will change, but the way I feel will remain the same" Panic! at the Disco -the end of all things

Negan helped me carry the things to the truck. He threw the things in the back, closing the bed of the truck and the lid while I sat with my legs dangling from the passenger seat.

Negan came over to me, handing me Lucille. "I'll be back in a second, I want to have a word with my men." He said while I hesitantly took the bat. He patted my knee, kissing my forehead before walking back into the building.

As Negan walked in, Dwight waked out. I watched him for a second before realizing he was walking over to me. He had a concerned expression on his face as he did. I gave him a look when he stopped in front of me, leaning on the door.

"What do you need, Dwight." I said, crossing my arms.

He got really close to me, his expression not changing. "Look, I'm going to tell you some things, but you can not let Negn know you know this, alright?"

I nodded. "Uh...I guess."

He looked around to make sure no one else was around before leaning in again, allowing me to smell nasty leather and cigarette smell. "People at Base One have been talking... a lot. I heard that they're planning on some shit... and I'm worried-"

"Wait, wait," I scoffed. "Let me stop you there. You're worried?"

"Shut up and let me finish." He snapped. "The man in charge of Base One is an ignorant young kid, and he thinks he can take Negan on."

"He wants to kill Negan?" I laughed. "I wish him luck with that-"

"No... well not off the bat. The men heard about the shits that's been happening around here, and they aren't happy. They think Negan isn't capable of-"

Before he could finish, Negan came bursting into the pavilion. "Alright, bitches, lets hit it!" Negan yelled happily walking over to me.

I noticed he was followed by some of his men, they all had loaded guns in their hands, loading up into trucks which make me confused.

He came over to me and grabbed Lucille. "Thank you, sweetie." He sighed, walking around the truck and got in.

I got in as well, slamming the door as he started up the truck. He let two cars go in front before driving out of the pavilion, followed by two other cars behind us.

"Negan?" I asked as he focused on the road. "Why are all your men coming with? I thought you said it was just a quick trip you were going to take?"

He was quiet about that for a moment. "Just some extra precautions... " He sighed.

I raised an eyebrow at him. I then remembered what Dwight was telling me. I could tell Negan was nervous. That's why he was acting strange. I didn't say anything, knowing he'd most likely be pissed at Dwight for telling me.

The ride was quiet. It was taking longer than I thought...about an hour in and I was already done. I put my feet on the dash, and threw my head back.

"Uuuuugh, how long is this drive!?" I complained.

Negan laughed. "Two more hours, honey." He looked over and patted my thigh. "You'll make it."

"I don't think I will." I mumbled dramatically.

Negan shook his head, and let silence take over again for a while. Finally he spoke again. "How do you think they're getting along without you?" He said, making my stomach form a knot.

I looked at him for a moment, waiting to see if he said something else. "Wha-what?" I scoffed.

"Ya' know... Rick...Carl..." He said, his expression changing. "Daryl?"

I swallowed hard, and looked down, and tried to think for a moment. "Why the hell are you bringing that up?"

He shrugged. "Just conversation. Want your thoughts."

"Doesn't matter what my thoughts are-"

"Still, do share... what do you think? Do they care you're gone ya' think?"

I shook my head. "Please stop..." I said, rolling my eyes. "You know the answer to that... we agreed to just leave that alone. Its caused enough damage."

He nodded. "Just wanted your thoughts... gonna be in a car for three hours, have to think of things to talk about."

"That's not what we talk about for small talk." I mumbled. "...Why don't we talk about what Dwight told you?"

Negan's face dropped. "I don't know what you're fucking talking about."

"Yes you do, that's why you brought all your men." I scoffed. "What are you planning, Negan?" I said quietly

He shook his head, and let out a sigh. "That Dwight's gonna get this shit beaten out of him."


I love that gif :) Three updates in one day. I am trying to make up for lost time! Please vote, comment, and follow! Thankies!

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